Example sentences of "and [be] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their flowers appear over several weeks in summer and are at all times most striking and handsome .
2 What is apparent is that the risk factors identified run parallel to and are in many respects very similar to those already noted in relation to child abuse .
3 An study by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has shown how EC " structural " funds , designed to alleviate poverty , fail to account for the environment and are in some cases responsible for the destruction of habitats and extinction of species .
4 Such upwarps consist of broad swells running parallel to the coast and are in most cases flanked on their oceanward side by a great escarpment .
5 More than forty thousand people were moved from the old city centre to make way for the new buildings , but even though stereotyped blocks of flats were put up around the site of the palace and were in many cases completed by the spring of 1988 , they remained empty until after the revolution .
6 THE Einstein Observatory survey of cosmic X-ray sources a decade ago showed that coronae were common among diverse types of star , and were in many cases more energetic than the Sun 's corona .
7 They had an extraordinary tension and were in some ways quite different from the earlier recording .
8 Mr Major may be chancellor of the exchequer but he is also the member of Parliament for Huntingdon and is on most short-lists to succeed Mrs Thatcher as Tory leader .
9 She has a strong , engaging personality and is in many ways a resilient , but sensitive child who thrives on adult attention and who can communicate her feelings and needs effectively .
10 To this I will add that he is a Boy of modest and pleasing manners , and is in all respects very well thought of in Ambleside and the neighbourhood .
11 George is quite realistic throughout the book and is in some cases , justifiably pessimistic .
12 This story , which deserves attention and is in some ways unique , is told in Chapter 7 .
13 The point at which this occurs is known as the FLORY or THETA point and is in some ways analogous to the Boyle point for a non-ideal gas .
14 The meaning of ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ should be the same in both contexts , and is in both cases a matter for the tribunal of fact .
15 James Smith from Leeds recently purchased a copy of the legendary Elite , and is after some tips that work .
16 They had three daughters and one son , Matthew , who followed his father 's profession and was for many years superintendent of the LNER locomotive depot at Neasden , London .
17 First , spending on residential care in private sector homes for elderly people through the social security budget was rising at an exponential rate and was to all intents and purposes out of control , being demand led .
18 Dealing with people came naturally and was in many ways the most important part of the job , but there was more that could come only with experience , and Charles was there to pass on some of the things he had learned over thirty-three years , some of them the hard way .
19 More or less equal to Spurgeon in fame , and surpassing him in notoriety ( for Spurgeon avoided party politics and was in many ways sui generis ) was the Congregationalist , Joseph Parker .
20 Analysing the relationship may — and will - be a painful process but it is also one of healing , for if you can admit to yourself that the relationship was not perfect and was in many ways extremely frustrating , then the sense of loss and abandonment will no longer be as painful .
21 In 1893 the eminent physiologist J. S. Burdon-Sanderson ( 1828–1905 ) told the British Association for the Advancement of Science that ‘ oecology ’ was one of the three great divisions of biology , along with physiology and morphology , and was in some ways the most attractive of the three because it came closest to the spirit of what had once been called the ‘ philosophy of living nature ’ .
22 He was unpopular , too , with the opposition baronage , and was among those royalists whose lands were pillaged in the spring of 1263 .
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