Example sentences of "and [conj] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And although such an eventuality was beyond my imagination ( like trying to envisage infinity ) and utterly unacceptable to me , I still knew it to be true .
2 As a Company we are still striving to set our standards even higher , and although such an approach increases our costs of production we believe that this is the only way forward if we wish to be trading with the larger livestock producers in the future .
3 Not least , as I have suggested , the question arises as to how God can be good if God can have revealed himself through such a history and if such a myth is true .
4 But that would be a plausible prediction only for members of a constant and self-conscious majority of opinion , and if such a majority existed so would a self-conscious minority that would have the opposite opinion .
5 We can not imagine it , yet it is possible , and if such a change did come to one of us , there would be pain for both and merely afterwards friendship …
6 Moreover , the officer of arms making the visitation was directed to enquire into the lives of all those using a title of honour or dignity such as knight , esquire or gentleman , and if such a title or coat of arms had been falsely assumed or usurped , the offender was to be publicly denounced by proclamation .
7 A star that is 1.4 times heavier than our Sun has a Schwarzschild radius of only 2 km , and if such a star were to shrink to this size it would attain a mean density of , far beyond the density of nuclei .
8 But it is all too evident that there does not exist anywhere at the present time an active political movement which would be capable of initiating such a development , and if such a movement came into existence it would encounter immense difficulties .
9 That could cause difficulties and if such an inhibition operated which did not apply to other bus companies it could make it difficult for management-employee buy-out teams to raise funds .
10 The estimation procedure allowed for a switch of regime in the parameters α , β and and such a switch was found for each contract about fifty days before expiration .
11 However , an assembly of spherulites would be acceptable , since it would contain sufficient to make it entirely typical of the bulk and because such an assembly would have moduli independent of the surface tractions and displacements .
12 For instance , the planners should work out if it is in the organisation 's best interest to move into an existing building and whether such a building needs any refurbishment or , whether premises should be custom built .
13 The foundation is the duty to take care , and whether such a duty exists depends upon a relationship existing , or coming into existence , between the parties which is capable in the particular circumstances of the case of imposing a duty on the one in relation to the other .
14 But in doing the balancing act it is necessary also to consider whether an injustice will be perpetrated if a local authority does not have the right to protect its governing reputation by an action for libel , and whether such an action , if available to a local authority , would be proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued .
15 Mature striated muscle cells make muscle-specific proteins and when such a cell is fused with a variety of other cell types which include liver and cartilage cells , then muscle-specific genes are activated in these cells leading to the production of muscle-specific proteins .
16 Briefly , briefly tonight er Reynolds and Major issued this statement which said all those claiming a serious interest in advancing the cause of peace in Ireland should renounce of or support for violence if and when such a renunciation of violence has been made and sufficiently demonstrated , new doors could open , do you think the I R A might well respond positively to that ?
17 Swift J in Donovan [ 1934 ] 2 KB 498 ( CCA ) said that with some exceptions : " It is an unlawful act to beat another person with such a degree of force that the infliction of bodily harm is a probable consequence and when such an act is proved , consent is immaterial . "
18 The causative organism of scabies is a mite , and as such a member of the class Arachnida , which includes the spiders and scorpions .
19 Two , the could proceed without the landlord 's licence , it would then be up to the landlord to apply to the court to have the lease forfeited when you could arrange the defence that you were a reasonable tenant and as such the assignment should have been allowed to permit this course of action but of course you are using bank money as well as your own and the bank would be unhappy to lend money in a situation where there was a possibility , albeit a slight , that the lease would be forfeited .
20 The metaphor of the gem here is like a filter or a screen through which Lucy can be seen in a fresh light , and as such the metaphor has the " power to inform and enlighten " which a literal paraphrase would not have — it would fail " to give the insight that the metaphor did " ( Black 1971 : 186f ) .
21 Even Port Glasgow , the centre of the Chesapeake tobacco trade , and as such the port with the largest customs establishment in Scotland , could have an unqualified officer placed in a position of responsibility .
22 The importance of the concession theory is that it establishes a theoretical framework sympathetic to state intervention ; the company is a creature of the state , existing to promote the public welfare , and as such the state has the right to interfere in its internal affairs and need not confine itself to external , general-law regulation .
23 The Winged Cobra is representative of the transcendental nature of higher consciousness or total spiritual enlightenment , and as such the image adorned the entrance to all sacred temples and schools of initiation in Egypt .
24 TRANSIT — The policy is designed to cater for mobile/moveable plant and as such the situation shown on the plant schedule is amended to Anywhere in the United Kingdom .
25 The asset is likely to be replaced with a technologically superior asset and as such the replacement cost of the asset held will be difficult to establish even if it was still appropriate .
26 His official title ( one used at most clubs ) was secretary-manager , and as such the administration of the club was as much a part of his job as team management .
27 ‘ I have already indicated my agreement with the views of my noble and learned friend , Lord Diplock , as expressed in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 , and I gratefully adopt all his reasons for the conclusion that : ‘ it would … as a general rule be contrary to public policy , and as such an abuse of the process of the court , to permit a person seeking to establish that a decision of a public authority infringed rights to which he was entitled to protection under public law to proceed by way of an ordinary action and by this means to evade the provisions of Order 53 for the protection of such authorities . ’
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