Example sentences of "and [be] [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ergonomist will begin his investigation by the consideration of what the personnel actually do in their jobs which have emerged and been refined by practice and personal preference rather than design .
2 My father , the one scholar in a large family , had caught the eye of the village schoolmaster and been coached by oil-lamp in the evening for an examination offering access to that rare privilege for the children of the poor , a secondary-school education .
3 On the other hand : she 'd fortunately made the right career choice and been encouraged by school and family at an early age , got a qualification ( chartered accountancy ) that proved a useful passport , and had had the same supportive bosses any man would expect to get .
4 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
5 The vast majority of schools are ‘ government-aided ’ and are run by district councils or missions .
6 The FMLN has established hospitals with small professional medical teams , The smaller clinics are under the control of the Popular Power Councils and are run by health promoters who place particular importance on basic health education and preventive medicine .
7 But when you have young children and are tied by school holidays , needs must .
8 Moreover , these major faults tend to be discontinuous and curved in plan and it seems that main boundary listric faults alternate along rift valleys and are separated by transfer faults ( Fig. 4.10 ) .
9 Those who subscribe to them and are honoured by reference to them may be thought of with contempt by those for whom the underlife is the serious basis of social living .
10 The groundwaters associated with the retrograde alteration are highly mineralised and are buffered by portlandite solubility to pH 12.5 , making them the most alkaline natural waters recorded .
11 We may argue about the timescale of change or its effects on our lives , but what is beyond doubt is that change , massive and fundamental , is taking place in the way we acquire , use and are influenced by information .
12 They come from India and Bangladesh and are inspired by art from all over the world , though we particularly liked the Ocean Creatures wrapping paper eight sheets for £2 featuring whales , seals and turtles .
13 Lethal mutations at the chromosome-7 pink-eyed dilution ( p ) locus were recovered opposite the original p mutation , and are maintained by outcross to +/+ mice , with progeny testing for p .
14 We might reply that the simplicity of cave communities is idiosyncratic rather than typical : we might ask what general ecological insights we are going to obtain from communities that lack photosynthetic plants and herbivores , and are maintained by detritus flushed down from above : but Dr Culver gives us no answer .
15 ‘ We only work to the laws which are enforced and are made by Parliament . ’
16 The contractual freedom of local authorities is less because their contractual powers are statutory in origin and are limited by statute .
17 These immediate-return hunter-gatherers never suffer anxiety about the future of food supplies and are characterized by improvident , generous , happy-go-lucky personalities .
18 On the ground most larvae are active ; although they require a film of water for movement and are stimulated by light and temperature , it is now thought that larval movement is mostly random and encounter with grass blades accidental .
19 As we have already noted , governments routinely consult and are lobbied by interest groups .
20 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
21 Medical complications are common and are caused by starvation or weight reduction habits .
22 This distinction is important , as cooperative joint ventures aimed at or resulting in co-ordination of the competitive behaviour of the parent companies are outside the Merger Regulation and are governed by Article 85 or 86 ( see Chapters 5 and 6 ) .
23 Nursery school teachers teach in either a nursery school or a special nursery class attached to a primary school , and are helped by nursery assistants and nursery students ( doing the practical part of their training ) .
24 They need to know that the onerous tasks they are performing are done correctly and are appreciated by line managers .
25 They walk and are passed by head to head contact .
26 Components 3 and 4 are much less important and are dominated by noise , though this is not to say that the small amount of information they contain is irrelevant .
27 They have existing quarrying permission for part of the site and are required by law to take steps to ensure the public do not enter the area where permission applies .
28 His financial transactions during the start-up period are listed below in the first column and are identified by capital letters .
29 In the human jejunum , Na + and HCO 3 - absorption are interdependent , are associated with an increase in intraluminal pCO 2 , and are inhibited by acetazolamide .
30 The characteristics of this philosophy have been summarised by Louis E. Davis , and are quoted by Trist , as follows :
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