Example sentences of "and [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The area of Washington I know best lies around Dupont Circle , its streets now ablaze with pink , purple and white azaleas , the pavement cafes now opening up , and where for the past two decades the left think tank , the Institute for Policy Studies , has been loc-ated .
2 One view central to the lawyer/economist is that , in a world where , on the one hand , resources ( all of which have alternative uses ) are limited through scarcity and where on the other hand , there exists the insatiable human desire to consume those resources , then inevitably , trade-offs and choices must somehow be made .
3 8 ( 1 ) No right of action to recover land shall be treated as accruing unless the land is in the possession of some person in whose favour the period of limitation can run ( referred to below in this paragraph as " adverse possession " ) ; and where under the preceding provisions … any such right of action is treated as accruing on a certain date and no person is in adverse possession on that date , the right of action shall not be treated as accruing unless and until adverse possession is taken of the land .
4 While in an electric shock pulse travels through the whole wire or solid substance , the nerve impulse travels only along the service plasma membrane surrounding the fibre and where as the electric current passes at 300 million meters per second , the nerve impulse is very much slower .
5 It was reported that Uzbeks had demonstrated on Feb. 20 in Tashkent to demand the immediate eviction of Meskhetians , prompting the authorities to begin evacuating Meskhetian residents from the city for their own protection , and that on the following day Uzbek demonstrators had broken through police cordons protecting several Meskhetian-run collective farms outside Tashkent and had set fire to around 50 Meskhetian homes .
6 Thereupon Southey announced that , Pantisocrat or no , his private resources were his own , and that on the Welsh farm each person should manage his own affairs .
7 For example a second-order function , , may be defined so that the probability that the velocity at one point lies between u 1 and u 1 + du 1 and that at the other point simultaneously lies between u 2 and u 2 + du 2 is .
8 From the following few recipes it is easy to see that there was never any one method of making English fruit creams and fools , and that over the past three centuries the two have fused .
9 It is nevertheless of interest that supplies were being drawn into the Chinese market as early as the Han empire , that it featured among the tribute rendered by the Turkish tribes of central Asia during the tenth century A.D. , that the Portuguese introduced European amber through Macao and that during the Qing dynasty supplies were assured from the mines of north Burma , situated in the same region as the sources of jadeite .
10 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
11 And that despite the knock-on appeal of successive Grand Slams either side of a World Cup final .
12 The owner said that the reference to a non-legal expert was inappropriate to a dispute about legal liability , and that despite the express words in the disputes clause in the contract , the parties could never have intended it .
13 By the Submission of the Clergy of 1532 , convocation surrendered its position as an independent legislative body for the church , and agreed both that all existing canons should be reviewed by a royal commission composed of both lay and clerical members and that in the future ecclesiastical laws would be subject to royal assent .
14 Then I noticed that right beside the checkpoint , in fact touching it , there stood a terrace of houses , and that in the front window of one of them stood a Christmas tree , with lights draped along its branches .
15 Tradition , with her thousand tongues , said this barrow was the tomb of a Cornish King or Roman General , the Arch Druids of the day , an Irish Saint etc ; and , moreover , that vast treasures lay burried with the body and that in the early part of the century a golden boat had been found concealed below its surface .
16 The weakness of the tidal interaction with the Sun may mean that even after 4600 Ma synchronous rotation is yet to be achieved , and that in the distant future the retrograde rotation will cease and then the requisite slow prograde rotation will build up .
17 In terms of such companies , therefore , the economic activity in the central region was dominant and that in the peripheral region was subordinate .
18 Suppose that the wave amplitude in one arm is A , and that in the other arm is where is the total path difference and is the wavelength of the laser source .
19 He concluded that the planet 's habitability is under attack but its natural resilience is probably greater than is normally assumed , and that in the environmental field geographers have made contributions in environmental perception and hazard assessment and also in the area of unified physical and biogeographic research :
20 Is the Minister aware that 18 schools in the Cleveland authority area were built before 1914 and that in the current financial year Cleveland has received only a quarter of its capital allocation ?
21 The EMSA of extracts of COS cells transfected with this deletion mutant ( Figure 3b , plasmid V ) showed that the protein in the lower complex ( N-Oct 5B ) was expressed at high levels and that in the upper complex at low levels ( N-Oct 5A ) , which is also the pattern seen in brain extracts ( Figure 3a , lane 7 and 1 ) .
22 His argument was that aggregate demand could best be stimulated through fiscal expansion , and that in the prevailing conditions most of the increase in national income would feed through into output and therefore employment rather than inflation .
23 I am sure that if we could have met , all estrangement would have vanished instantly ; but , having to rely on the written word ( and that in the cramped space of air-letters which took so long to come and go ) , and missing expression of face and tone of voice , to which we were both very sensitive , we kept up our guard for a time .
24 There are some similarities between this situation and that in the late nineteenth century , when infections were random and where no treatment was available .
25 It is estimated that demand in the developing world will increase by some 2.75 times per citizen and that in the developed world some three times , so that the proportion consumed in the tropical world is going to increase .
26 They also stated that the monuments and war graves " dedicated to the victims of war and tyranny which have been erected on German soil will be respected and will enjoy the protection of German law " , and that in the united Germany " the free democratic basic order will be protected by the constitution …
27 The Peterborough chronicler Hugh Candidus tells a different tale , stating that in the days of Abbot Ælfsige of Peterborough ( 1006 – 42 ) the Ramsey monks were accused before the king " for a certain reason " , and that in the royal presence it was decided that the monastery should be destroyed and its monks expelled .
28 There is some evidence that these were originally connected to his grandson Frederick II , and that by the mysterious process of collective imagination and tradition , they became drawn to the more powerful figure of Barbarossa .
29 It seems that the centre flourished and that by the early 1980s it had over 300 pupils and 31 part-time teachers .
30 It is also perhaps a sign of Boiotian isolation that there were no tyrants in archaic Boiotia , and that by the Persian Wars Thebes , then the first city of Boiotia , was controlled by a dynasteia , an irresponsible family government ( Thuc. iii.62 ) .
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