Example sentences of "and [adv] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The more secondary themes that are indexed in a document , the more documents that will be retrieved , but in many instances these will treat the topic being sought only as a subsidiary subject and so be judged as only marginally relevant .
2 ( For the uninitiated this is a gathering of the privileged few to down cocktails , cause gossip column ‘ sensations ’ and generally be seen and pamper the stars of the show ) .
3 Women still seek equal treatment under the social-security provisions , for instance in being allowed to claim benefit as individual persons , and not be treated as dependent on the men they live with .
4 It presented an illustrative example of a report which emphasises that the auditors ' conclusions related to the date of the financial statements , but ‘ because of inherent limitations in any system of control , errors , breaches of law , inefficiencies or irregularities may occur and not be detected and such a system is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate ’ .
5 The MMC proposed a behavioural remedy , that in their agreements with manufacturers , franchised dealers be allowed to advertise outside their designated territories and to acquire dealerships outside that territory , and not be limited as to the number of cars they may sell .
6 The whole system of things and people which surrounds us coerces us to be conformist ; even if you want to be a social rebel you will still have to go about things in a conventional way if you are to gain recognition and not be rated as insane .
7 It seemed far more important that David should understand and not be hurt than that she save her throat .
8 You can not be a man of such icy probity as he was , and not be crippled when your credit 's gone . ’
9 One feature I was sad to see here on a recent visit was a fish hatchery installed in the bay , a sight now common in the western lochs and doubtless contributing to the local economy ; sad because I feel that all living creatures should have freedom of movement and not be bred and confined in restricted space for the table .
10 In the present situation , the officers find themselves in a very difficult position , I can not imagine an officer saying no to a member and this is what has happened if we run out of money , then the very thing that we are seeking to do , in other words to implement the democratic process to allow people to come to meetings and speak will go by the way , and I can remember some time ago when I was a new member on here saying I would be prepared to attend property sub-committee briefings as a deputy and not be paid and I was very smartly brought up by a friend in the labour group who said that 's all right for you , you can afford it , but it 's not alright for some of us 'cause we can't. and the difficulty is if we run out of money and we either have to stop the allowances or we have to slash the allowances , yeah , knows who it was , we have to slash the allowances , then legitimately people will be able to say that the democratic process is being stifled because they are not going to be allowed to go to meetings , and therefore , I think that situations whereby a member attends to speak to a , an item , a specific item and then stays on for a double length meetings and claims double length allowances that sort of thing has got to be stopped , and also members attending just to nod approval at something that has happened that they 've been associated with , that should stop , if they want to come they should come at their own expense .
11 Would-be parents are also concerned that their Down 's child would be unable to live alone and thus be isolated and lonely when they are dead .
12 There must be evidence adduced from which a conclusion can properly and genuinely be drawn that a contract existed and that the place of performance was the country in which the action was brought .
13 He knows Newcastle could draw and still be relegated if two from Oxford , Brighton and Plymouth win .
14 He knows Newcastle could draw and still be relegated if two from Oxford , Brighton and Plymouth win .
15 Or would it resist even time and the North Sea and still be standing when the final darkness fell over the planet ?
16 I surrender even the question as to how I can be standing here in her virgin company , and still be told that where she is I may never come .
17 If a mutation arises in this population , causing its possessors to be brightly coloured , these few conspicuous prey will be easily spotted by foraging birds and probably be destroyed before the naive predator learns to avoid the novel form .
18 The denial may persist and even be intensified when they are in recovery from their primary addiction .
19 The problem that we are confronted with here has two aspects , and might be expressed in the form of the following two questions : ( a ) Is it possible to bridge the difference between relations and properties by treating all relations as " relational properties " ? , and ( b ) Can " relational properties " always and unconditionally be regarded as intrinsic to the terms that have them ?
20 He landed and stared down at me and at the blood of my broken wing , his terrible beak opening just a little with the pleasure of what he saw ; while I hung there , trying to watch all three at once and knowing that one of them would attack suddenly and then be gone as another came in from a different direction .
21 ‘ But it is n't fair that two drivers can race hard for almost three hours , and then be disqualified because a mechanic took a microsecond too long to close a valve . ’
22 And it 's also intended it will become instant maybe at the year end and then be decaffeinated but that that is more in the distance because of the unit cost in , in the process .
23 I want to get the now constantly recurring image or memory of the scraggy sheep huddled together at night in the bus shelter off the top of my mind : it is disconcerting to be writing about one thing and yet be presented while doing so with quite another set of pictures .
24 It should n't be confused with formula milk , which is breast milk substitute , and never be given before a baby is six months old .
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