Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This situation would be one humdinger of a funny story to tell his city friends over a drink or two — and perhaps to boast to Corosini that he 'd wrapped her around his little finger with a few husky phrases and a glimpse of his superlative body .
2 On Tuesday the Soviet parliament refused to accept this blanket ban , which it wanted confined to the railways and to other key industries , and only to remain in force until the new law on strikes was promulgated .
3 But the earlier propaganda image of a ‘ human ’ and even ‘ family ’ Hitler , coming from the people , sharing its worries and cares , and understanding ‘ the little man ’ seemed to have less and less to do with reality .
4 Insiders are in a privileged position ; they are under a moral duty to act responsibly , and not to profit from information which they receive but do not own .
5 Its task is to point beyond itself and not to indulge in self-glorification .
6 We should learn to pay ourselves wage rises lower than inflation when necessary , and not to press for devaluation within the EMS .
7 Their arguments were listened to and the Highways Department have amended their proposals to stop at Gillespie Cross Roads and not to extend to Juniper Green and Currie .
8 Their arguments were listened to and the Highways Department have amended their proposals to stop at Gillespie Cross Roads and not to extend to Juniper Green and Currie .
9 Muhammad Ali , the Deputy Chief of Police , from a town with no Magharba or Zuwaya , told them they had only a little quarrel : they could easily settle it themselves ; if the police intervened it would become more bitter ; they would be wise to make peace ( sulh ) and not to call for judgement .
10 ‘ Teach us , Good Lord , to give and not to count the cost , to fight and not to heed the wounds , to toil and not to seek for rest , to labour and to ask for no reward , save that of knowing that we do Thy will . ’
11 They are trained always to check the information files and not to trust to memory .
12 Their conversation had been unusually impersonal , in fact , and largely to do with work .
13 It 's easier sometimes not to achieve and just to settle for family life than it is to achieve and to set your occupational sights quite high and then to have to face the terrible and fight of having both a job and children .
14 Characteristic flight patterns include : quick dash along a hedgerow , up and over to pounce on prey ; fast low flight through wood or across open ground ; soaring , often in a circular glide with intermittent spasms of three or four wing-flaps ; also a gannet-like downward plummet with closed wings .
15 This is particularly important in relation to the GCSE examinations which require syllabuses to have a cross-curricular perspective , relating subjects to other subject areas and also to take into consideration the social , economic , environmental and other implications .
16 Machinery Group provides : an administrator , usually part-time , to arrange all contract work and look after finances ; a small group of drivers/operators to carry out contract work and also to cover for sickness of a group member .
17 But it is useful to know what the conventional rules are , and also to bear in mind who you are writing for .
18 The manoeuvrability of the leopard stance : the student can , by use of deft footwork in which all the weight is centred on the back leg , spring forwards , backwards and sideways to defend against attack from any angle .
19 Because of a vague feeling of loyalty , a need to repay someone or something who had seemed to walk with me through the burning fiery furnace of my husband 's last illness , I had started now and then to go to church .
20 He had worked for the same firm for 16 years without working on a Sunday because of his objection to working on a Sunday and his wish to stay at home and then to go to church .
21 At the same time another craft was heard to approach shore and then to return to sea .
22 Typical of artists to read nothing except what they happen upon and then to pontificate about life and art and the way the world is going .
23 In theoretical work , the turbulence is supposed to be generated at an initial instant and then to decay as time proceeds .
24 He started to speak and then to recite in front of a mirror .
25 Couples of all ages strolled leisurely along , stopping now and then to look in shop windows .
26 Pretty certain this must be the man , Paige set off down the street , stopping every now and then to look in shop windows and cast surreptitious glances backwards .
27 They are generally operated on a fixed cycle , so that , when a known volume of water has passed through the plant , a valve is turned so as first to backwash the bed to cleanse the zeolite , and then to pass in brine for a fixed time to regenerate the material .
28 Remember that it is far better to get down and then to run into obstruction than to stall on to it at flying speed .
29 Then we talk about sexuality — what it means and how to deal with desire .
30 It gives tips on clothing , diet , warming-up and down and how to deal with injury .
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