Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [not/n't] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But you just got ta keep on and on have n't you ?
2 Yeah and when they move they fucking move up and down do n't they ?
3 You 've been going to bed nice and early have n't you ?
4 And moreover do n't you feel you have a responsibility to explain to ordinary people , particularly in your area , what it is you 're doing and why it 's important and why you should go on doing it ? ’
5 you build up , up and up do n't you ?
6 I mean she could come up to us , but she always seems to be rushing about , here , there and everywhere do n't she ?
7 And why have n't you written anything ?
8 Well and why do n't ya ?
9 And why do n't we have a bottle of champagne sent up ? ’
10 And why do n't we just change our name to New Morrissey Express and be done with it ?
11 OK , so why 's he on the cover , and why do n't we just change our name to New Morrissey Express and be done with it ?
12 If it 's a problem with numbers and why do n't we extend the numbers on the panel ?
13 Trying to drag her arm free , she gritted , ‘ And why do n't we want to be seen ? ’
14 Thank you for coming to talk to me , and why do n't you come with me to this thing this evening ?
15 ‘ Well , thanks very much , ’ said Dolly , ‘ and why do n't you try and get me a spare face as well , seein' you do n't like the one I 've got ? ’
16 And why do n't you like her , my sweet ? ’
17 ‘ We have n't got into trouble , ’ said Sam , ‘ not yet , and why do n't you just shut up ? ’
18 And why do n't you stick to what I pay you for ? ’ he retorted irritably , heading back to his office .
19 And why do n't you know your lines ? ’
20 See , her husband takes her shopping on a Saturday to Asda and and why do n't you go , I do n't know whether they all been together or what ?
21 And why do n't you take your cup as well ?
22 They 're not bad really , they , no but I mean you do get a few damp ones now and again do n't you ?
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