Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
2 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
3 The UN Security Council on Nov. 29 approved Resolution 678 authorizing member governments to use " all necessary means " to ensure Iraq 's complete withdrawal from Kuwait , if by a deadline of Jan. 15 , 1991 , the Iraqis had not already done so and thereby complied with the UN 's previous resolutions .
4 The reality was that the growth of corporate enterprise shattered three of the assumptions which underlay the belief that economic power of the company was regulated and thereby legitimated by the competitive market .
5 The discovery of the three devices in the past two days may mark a reappearance of the ‘ tartan terrorism ’ which flared in the 1970s and mostly disappeared as the perpetrators of various bank robberies and explosions were jailed .
6 An example is William McDougal 's correspondence with Friendly Societies which revealed their discrimination against deaf people , and eventually led to the acceptance of the deaf and dumb on equal terms with hearing people by the Church Benefit Society .
7 We drove for miles through dense jungle and eventually came to a big pool which was maybe 150 metres square and 30 metres deep .
8 They left the marketplace for a maze of streets and eventually came to a large stone two-storeyed house with a timbered roof , its exquisite carved eaves jutting out over a small courtyard beneath .
9 He followed the widest of the paths northwards and eventually came to a deserted airfield .
10 I , personally , always tried to avoid being drawn into any kind of union or political affairs , but in the case of the Association I made a slight concession in that I agreed to become Editor of our newsletter , which started out as a news-sheet and eventually grew into a magazine called " Coastlines " , featuring articles , reports from the cutters , poems and competitions .
11 Strictly speaking , these refer to dreams where you are pursued and eventually overpowered by a monster .
12 Over the long centuries a series of massive offensives rolled them back through the Shadowlands and eventually culminated in the storming of Anlec .
13 The Forget-me-nots were billed as ‘ the smallest song and dance act ’ and eventually blossomed into a team of eight , fronted by Amy Knott .
14 Waves broke on the shore and eventually expired in a froth and myriad of bubbles .
15 Graham climbed from the car and instinctively ducked as a mortar exploded in the distance .
16 He zoomed to save height , heard the cackle of machine-guns , skidded round in a savage , 180-degree turn , and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head .
17 Many species live , and presumably lived in the past , in inland or upland sites where little sediment accumulates .
18 There was a red light up , and he was stopped by a policeman as he reached the opposite pavement and duly asked for the appropriate number of marks .
19 He stood there slightly bent for a few seconds holding his stomach and then he staggered and slowly fell to the floor .
20 But the idea germinated and slowly grew into an obsession .
21 The Ford slowed down in front of them and slowly came to a halt , blocking the entire road .
22 I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch , some ninety feet away .
23 King Henry himself , with the third army , struck due west from Shrewsbury for Welshpool , strongly garrisoned and lavishly provisioned as an advanced base .
24 He was a demanding baby , and rarely slept through the night , even when he was a year old .
25 The heavy chainmail was gone ; he wore a long dark blue tunic , embroidered with silver thread and loosely belted at the waist .
26 There was another face then , which did n't have to be invented : a moustached face that had recently and endlessly appeared on the television news , the face of a man who was accused of battering to death the nanny of his children , of attempting to do the same to his wife .
27 and suddenly came upon the river ,
28 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
29 Many of the new firms that started were under-capitalised and so went to the wall , but the net number has increased by many hundreds of thousands since 1979 .
30 Treasury Counsel announced that the Secretary of State for the Environment was now inclined to take the view that the statue was not part of the listed building , and so asked for an adjournment .
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