Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 With only 400,000 people and lots of bauxite , there is no good reason why Suriname should not be as democratic as and rather better off than most of the little states of the Caribbean .
2 Her mother , my Grandmother Anne , was a Sayers , and they were the Manor House family in Bowes and rather better off than most .
3 If a sentence is long or otherwise difficult , mimic one phrase at a time , beginning with the last one , then adding the penultimate one , and so on successively till you can manage the whole utterance .
4 Among ‘ middle class ’ Tories on the other hand , a substantial majority ( 65 per cent ) took the fourth view , thinking in terms of ‘ national interest ’ , ‘ competence ’ and so on rather than in class terms .
5 It is interesting that Hahnemann discovered this method of dissolving insoluble materials such as gold , silver , platinum and so on long before colloid chemistry was ever dreamt of .
6 The regulation and growth of cells was much more complicated than originally believed , and so far more than 40 different types of oncogenes have been discovered in experiments using retroviruses , said the assembly citation .
7 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
8 I placed all my washing materials , towels , razor and so forth exactly where they should be , wiped a little steam off the mirror on my bathroom cabinet , and returned to my room .
9 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
10 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
11 At some point in the second half of next year , and perhaps even earlier if President Mitterrand decides to bring forward the abolition of French controls , the Government is going to be faced with an inescapable decision .
12 It 'd be a full time job I should say , possibly one or two posts and perhaps even more than that .
13 I reflected on it , but declined , principally because of my unwillingness to belong to any party — I have never been a party member — and perhaps even more because the seat I was offered appeared to be an impregnable Tory stronghold .
14 In so many respects utterly ditferent from Wilde , Genet nevertheless also subverts the depth model of identity via the perverse dynamic , and perhaps more so than any other writer since Wilde .
15 Rothbury ceased to be clerk of the council when he was appointed a justice of the court of King 's Bench in 1295 , but he remained clerk of Parliament till at least 1307 and perhaps as late as 1314 .
16 Challenger 's 12 independent hydrogas units allow the wheels to travel up and down much further than with Chieftain 's bogie -type suspension , thus greatly reducing the accelerations that the vehicle itself undergoes .
17 The fluctuations in Scottish support for political nationalism would suggest that the sense of Scottish identity , separateness from the English and resentment against England , has bounced up and down quite unsystematically since the last war .
18 Keeping your knees flat on the floor , bring your head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible with elbows pointing outwards .
19 Sitting with legs outstretched , bring the head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible .
20 With legs together and knees flat on the floor , bring the head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible .
21 Sitting as shown , bring the head and shoulders forwards and down as far as possible .
22 Sitting with legs together and knees flat on the floor , bring the head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible .
23 Sitting with legs outstretched , bring the head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible .
24 On the other hand , the Laffer curve constructed for the UK by the London Business School , and work by Minford in the UK and Lindsey in the US , do indicate that reductions in the composite rate of tax below 60% and down as far as around 45% , have strong incentive effects on output — the converse of rises in tax rate between 45 and 60% having strong disincentive effects .
25 The environmental conditions with which the system is in equilibrium may shift , and only so long as the equilibrium can be set at new and workable positions can the species survive .
26 Citizens of the United Kingdom do , however , have an individual right of access to the European enforcement agencies whether Her Majesty 's government likes it or not , so long that is , and only so long as that government continues to accede to the Convention and the jurisdiction of the machinery which it establishes .
27 They rarely live in temperatures of less than 25C ( 75F ) and the banks on which they grow are mainly between three and five , and only occasionally more than five , fathoms deep .
28 A lot of these were books written by moralistic females ; books which erm reflected various kinds of Victorian ideas , and much later on when I did some research in Oxford on Victorian literature I found a way of putting these two sorts of things together .
29 Hence , the emphasis of our work which , broadly speaking , is concerned with helping either organizations , by which I mean galleries and arts centres , or individuals , in other words artists , craftsmen , photographers , and is increasingly directed to the former in the belief that if we can help them , these centres and galleries , towards adequate levels of staffing and expertise , they in their turn , and much less artificially than we , will be able to help the individual artist .
30 Lloyds is no more outlandish or intrusive than Tower Bridge and much less so than the monstrous and melancholy Battersea Power Station , a sublime work of imperious architecture that Londoners once loved to hate but now admire .
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