Example sentences of "and [pron] had been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A week earlier Steve and I had been on our way to the summit of Ultar with a pair of 150 foot ropes .
2 Carson Buchanan , Alf Jacobson and I had been in charge of the arrangements and a liberal supply of liquid refreshment was on hand to demonstrate our hospitality as ‘ The Friendly City ’ .
3 as if to underline how huge the task of changing public opinion would be , and of making people see that the hostages mattered , it had been spelled out in a television programme I had taken part in the previous November when Mary and I had been in Paris .
4 And having confided in her , she discussed her troubles with Don Burrell , the Canadian with whom she had stayed when on a school exchange to the States and who had been like a second father since the death of her own .
5 But Bicker had seen her wandering Glenbrittle , and she had been to the bothy .
6 The profession was too professional , a long study , and she had been at university , a giddy time .
7 But she had lived inside the Dark Realm for many months , she had been forced to see the terrible creatures that hold sway there , and she had been at Medoc 's mercy for all of that time .
8 All he had wanted was to slake his own desires , and she had been on hand , a willing and eager victim .
9 And she had been in London for less than a month .
10 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
11 There was a dawdle in its pace , and there had been times when it had halted completely , other times when it had slowed to a crawl .
12 She had been getting though the days — and nights — without too many problems , and there had been times when she had almost felt happy .
13 She was his only daughter and the youngest of seven , and he had been at pains to give her a good education .
14 Mr Ashton provoked laughter when he said he had watched the programme because it was set in his constituency , and he had been to school with the father of Sean Bean , one of the stars .
15 She had not slept with Ivan , nor ever would , but was deriving a secret satisfaction from the knowledge that present at her party that night would be all the men with whom she had ever slept : or all save one , and he had been from another country , and she had not known his name .
16 Dominic was dead , and he had been in my bedroom barely half an hour before he was killed .
17 Others would emerge from the ruin of the body itself , and he had been in constant contact with Ian Macdonald , who was still at work in Oxford .
18 He was the man in charge of H3 , and he spoke with his émigré parents ' guttural Central European accent although he had been born in Ipswich , and he had been in H area for 26 years .
19 His name was Roberto Coloni and he had been in hospital following a bad fall in which he had broken his shoulder blade , forearm and two ribs , as well as suffering bad concussion , which had affected his hearing .
20 To begin with , only the coincidence of the deaths of father and son within four days of each other ; beyond that his notion of a connection had been no more than a hunch , and he had been in the business too long to back his hunches far ahead of evidence .
21 And it had been on his drive back from Bramshill a week later that he had turned on his radio and heard the news of Berowne 's resignation of his ministerial post .
22 ‘ When he came back he announced it was the King who had died in his sleep and it had been on the wireless . ’
23 He had never been a party-goer and it had been against his better judgement that they agreed to join Ibn Fayoud 's party .
24 She turned away , leaving Peggy standing stiff and cold , although the sun was shining and it had been in the seventies all day .
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