Example sentences of "and [pron] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
2 She was tirelessly willing to discuss things in the manner of the country ; to sit down with a landlord , for example , and answer such questions as whether England was smaller than London , and which of the two belonged to France , and how much larger the Turkish navy was than those of England , France and Russia put together .
3 And which of the two of you then went into that room first ?
4 examine with reference to their general compliance with these conditions , the several drawings bearing the numbers given in the enclosed list ; and to prepare a statement , giving first the Conditions which they assume to be required in the cases of each of the three classes of designs and secondly , showing whether any and which of the several sets of drawings selected fail to comply with such conditions ; and also in what respect , and to what extent , these conditions are neglected or departed from .
5 ‘ that the taxing master shall inquire and state whether any and which of the disputed items marked in red ink in the bill are fair and proper to be allowed , and to what amount respectively .
6 The next day was fair and washed with a spent air about it and strangely there seemed no damage to the house and none of the crumbling-looking old stones on the outer wall had fallen .
7 A fencing system with the classic elegance of iron railings and none of the weak points of conventional steel fencing .
8 He 'd just been made redundant , and none of the two of us are sleeping at night .
9 The operation appears to have been successful , and none of the vaccinated elephants has shown any symptoms of the disease .
10 In my judgment it is proper for documents to be specified by class in a section 39 notice , and none of the other objections put forward has any substance .
11 The father is known only to myself and the computer , and none of the young men who cooperated in giving us specimens of their sperm knew for what purpose it was given .
12 All the patients with high pitted cell counts were currently drinking and none of the eight reformed drinkers ( five with biopsy proven cirrhosis ) had abnormal counts .
13 In none of the 10 patients who completed the six months ' trial and none of the five patients who completed 12 months ' treatment was endoscopic improvement of the lesions seen .
14 The American boy turned in his seat and stared , expecting to see a fight , but the cowering Annamite accepted his beating meekly and none of the European passersby spared the man a second glance .
15 Notwithstanding its measure of success nationally , the Congress ( I ) did badly in the Hindi heartland state of Uttar Pradesh , winning only Rajiv Gandhi 's former seat at Amethi , and none of the 17 state assembly seats being contested at the same time in that state .
16 We do not want to have a future relationship of United States and Latin America reproduced in South Africa , which so many people talk about now when they talk about South Africa as the engine of growth if we have that kind of growth it 'll be distorted and none of the poor in South Africa or the region will benefit from it .
17 Each individual hearing lasted only a few minutes and none of the accused was allowed legal representation .
18 None of the 11 children who had other forms of leukaemia and none of the four who had non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma had fathers with a record of employment at a nuclear establishment .
19 But Nick Stone was nowhere in evidence , and none of the departing cars were the models that Bodie had been primed to watch for .
20 The Cantona home in a northern suburb of Leeds is a rather modest semi-detached house with simple furniture and none of the usual soccer star extravagances .
21 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
22 The justices purported to set aside the conviction 29 days after the finding of guilt and none of the convicting justices had been a party to the decision to set it aside , so neither of the two conditions obtained .
23 I dropped the tape recorder on Old Compton Street and none of the in-depth mumbling came out .
24 They feel unsure about the way their bodies have changed and they need lots of encouraging comments and none of the wrong kind of remarks .
25 Department of Health guidelines , however , exclude screening or regular follow-up of women over 65 , and none of the 94 per cent of District Health Authorities with a recall system includes women of this age .
26 And none of the Sicilian tyrants before Agathokles ( end of the fourth century ; he was also the first Sicilian to call himself basileus , king ) put his own name on his coinage — contrast the HIΠ-issue of Hippias of Athens ( B. V. Head ( 1911 ) Historia numorum , Oxford , edn 2 , p. 377 ) , admittedly a coinage struck in exile at Sigeion , c.500 BC , but one which shows that the idea of a coin with an individual 's name on it was at least thinkable that early .
27 By this definition , autopoiesis is broader than simple ‘ self-replication ’ , and none of the earlier systems could be classified as autopoietic .
28 The Boston text relates more exclusively to the movement itself and includes , along with historical material , a brief statement by Mark Francis which is intended to justify and explain the motives behind the exhibition ( the Situationists did not give the event their blessings and none of the past members participated in its planning ) .
29 Something of the almighty importance of it and something of the utter meaninglessness .
30 For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner .
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