Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 Okay I actually went to a Beaujolais Nouveau evening the other evening and someone offered me a glass I said , Do n't be so bloody insulting who do you think I am .
2 ‘ E asked me if I 'd go an' look for it , and 'e gave me a quid .
3 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
4 Let's say erm we forget about all that ten pound early and you owed me a hundred pounds , right , and I say erm forget that , just , just take it away , forget it it 's gone , you 're a hundred pounds better off .
5 that came in my head and all I wan na do if money you can to I wan na love you , for my heart and you make me a brand new woman , you make me ha , you wan na
6 I give you the input and you tell me the answer .
7 Do you remember that evening — I had n't been working for you for very long — and you gave me a lift home ? ’
8 And you gave me the best ! ’
9 I have n't see you for almost a year , Victor , and you recognise me the instant I step through the door . ’
10 And you call me a bad driver . ’
11 And you beat me every time , do n't you , you and all the people like you , Kegan ?
12 for Christmas , and it was delicious the way her mother made it so she started it with me writing it down , see , and she told me the ingredients and then she said you brews the ginger I thought
13 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
14 It was of course my mother , and she asked me the same questions as my neighbour .
15 Mr Hobbs gave her back her teeth and she shot me a desperate little smile .
16 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
17 Then she said I could look and she gave me a piece of cloth with a few coins in it which my mother had saved for me — and the ring .
18 And she gave me a significant look .
19 I asked why and she gave me a reply I had n't expected .
20 Er I said , No , and she gave me a letter to take down there you see .
21 So I went back to the lady doctor and she gave me a cream and some tablets .
22 One is she 's very interested in the occult , erm , she actually practices tarot card readings , and what she calls the crystal oracle , and she gave me a brief explanation , which is throwing a load of rocks up a cloth er , but I 'm not going to push me
23 Right , the problem is that I ca n't seem to get through on the telephone , I phoned and her secretary came back and said you 've to phone and she gave me a guy 's name like and I got a number for him so I phoned it , ah he works in our Edinburgh office I phoned the Edinburgh office .
24 yeah , I got f I got , my total marks I could 've got was fifty eight and I got fifty four and she gave me a C and she said must improve your marks .
25 There was a slight delay as she read it and then her head slowly turned in my direction and she gave me the biggest grin I 'd ever seen .
26 And she gave me the immortal reply , ‘ No , I 'm Heather , but wo n't I do ? ’
27 And I said I said so I told her the registration and she gave me the room number but she said .
28 Well I 'll never forget when we were younger , we had erm some Americans living across the road and they invited us er somehow I was in the kitchen , they were going to give me lunch and she gave me the most enormous
29 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
30 We got erm , got erm she bought me some Maltesers and she bought me a chocolate orange as well .
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