Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 He spent half a day teaching me about the various policies and endowments , the way to figure cash surrender values , the matter of group insurance , and the various approaches to a prospect by the insurance salesman .
2 ‘ The longstanding nature of the difficulties and the poor response to treatment of those difficulties reduces the likelihood that any treatment programme would be successful .
3 Hodgskin saw a shameless deception at the centre of Ricardian economics and British capitalism : both pretended that capital was productive and the essential spring to greater prosperity , but , Hodgskin argued , capitalists were always parasitic , holding wages close to subsistence levels and diverting the fruits of labour 's productivity to unproductive and anti-social consumption .
4 What court was told about £1.8m gems raid and the best man to Di 's brother .
5 For the centuries up to the Tudor times the main instrument of local government outside the boroughs was the manor court , and the best introduction to the whole subject remains Life on the English Manor by H.S. Bennett .
6 The obvious artificiality of this device is jarring , and the half-hearted attempt to ‘ subjectify ’ a large chunk of sociological analysis soon gives way to more overt narratorial commentary in the same vein .
7 At the same time , the very seriousness of the crisis and the desperate resort to terrorism that its collapse prompted among the pieds noirs made some kind of speedy settlement seem all the more imperative .
8 784 and of Cynewulf in Wessex in 786 which then enabled the political map of Kent and the adjacent territories to be redrawn .
9 In the present case the proceedings do not fall within section 31 of the Act of 1968 and the criminal charges to which Mr. Tully may be exposed do not fall within that Act .
10 The nature of the Church and its tradition were central to the unfinished business from Vatican I ; Modernism and the Roman reaction to it had left serious questions about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible and about the development of doctrine ; the Liturgical Movement was already revealing both the need for major pastoral renewal and a vision of what its fruits could be , not merely inside the Catholic Church but also in its ecumenical relations .
11 Her eyes had been open in a fixed and vacant stare , and the waxen tinge to her skin had told its own tale .
12 The two sections were split by a 4,000-metre runway , with the military on the north side and the civilian area to the south .
13 Some lack of enthusiasm is caused by a habitual attitude of boredom and hopelessness , and the simple remedy to this is often to commence a regimen of positive thought .
14 It has a duration of 12 years and the current yield to maturity is 10 per cent .
15 Parker was applying Herbert Spencer 's law of social evolution and the current devotion to organization to the denomination .
16 At any rate by 1775 work seems to have been discontinued , and the following letter to Moore , created the impression that the mines were once again on the market .
17 If you order your tickets by post , please send SAE and the following information to Theatre for Oxford , 69 Oxford Street , Woodstock , Oxford OX7 1TJ :
18 It is fair to say that scaffolding placed in front of premises is extremely detractive and the following amendments to this paragraph may be advisable : The right to erect scaffolding for the purpose of repairing or cleaning the Centre provided that there shall not be erected any scaffolding or other structures in front of or to the rear or sides ( if applicable ) of the Premises in such a position so as [ materially ] to obscure the windows of the Premises or so as to prevent or [ unreasonably ] interfere with access to the Premises by customers or other persons entering the Premises or in connection with the servicing thereof
19 There may , however , be instances where the tenant is obliged to make deductions , eg tax payable to the Inland Revenue where the landlord is non-resident and the following amendment to clause 4.1 may therefore be advisable :
20 In his view the " pros " of segregation are : i Recruitment of interested specialist staff ii Specially designed environments iii Concentration of resources for dementia , avoiding diffusion of effort iv Special attention to relatives ' needs and the greater acceptability to relatives of a " special unit " v Avoids fear , antagonism and rejection from the non-demented vi Special information , research and teaching are useful spin-offs The " cons " of segregation are : i It is usually a more expensive option ii Admission criteria are difficult to establish — what degree of dementia qualifies ?
21 My mind went back to the scene in that bedroom and the sliding doors to the paved patio .
22 During the campaign , we met the Governor of the Bank of England , three times ; the Chancellor of the Exchequer , twice ; the Foreign Secretary ; and the Economic Secretary to the Treasury , twice .
23 Seven years later , remedial works were still being carried out ; the raised flood-banks set far too close to the watercourse were being eroded away ; the stability of the downstream bridge was threatened ; and the real cost to the public purse of what was a relatively small scheme originally has yet to be clearly counted .
24 There is no mistaking the enthusiasm which drives these initiatives and the real commitment to providing a " user-centred " service .
25 The numbers of seats secured approximated to the quotas of first preference votes expressed and the only exception to this was the special case of North Down ( see below ) .
26 A van had been used , and the only clue to the identity of the stocking-masked kidnappers was an eyewitness 's vague description that the driver , whose face was not covered , was of Middle Eastern appearance .
27 This implies that the problem of the selection of the risky securities to include in the investor 's portfolio has been solved and the only question to be answered is whether to lend or borrow , and how much to lend or borrow .
28 Malta was the key to the Mediterranean and the only hindrance to Rommel 's supply lines which stretched back to Italy .
29 Neither are completely reliable , and the only way to be sure of landing an effective shot is to play the odds — buy several machines !
30 And the only way to really run gilts if you 're serious is to actually trade them .
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