Example sentences of "and [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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31 The departures from a spherically symmetrical gravitational field are so big that J 2 is large enough to have been measured very accurately , and for the same reason this is also the case for the next gravitational coefficient in the series , J 4 ( jay-four ) .
32 Style often becomes as big a bugbear as colour schemes and for the same reason ; it means laying what passes for your taste on the table for all to judge .
33 This is an alternative to the knowledge test and for the same reason is therefore irrelevant .
34 And for the same reason Camel Lairds could not gain intervention funding .
35 It was for this reason that his master-class in Spanish history took the form of a film , Raza ; and for the same reason that the frequency of his appearances in the state-produced cinema newsreels , No-Do , varied according to external circumstances and internal convenience , increasing when things were going well , decreasing when they were not .
36 Czerny also calls for this tempo in the Menuetto in Canone of Mozart 's String Quintet in C minor , KS16b/406 ( after the Wind Serenade , K384a/388 ) , and for the same reason , so that we can feel the hemiola crosswinds blowing from its first bars onward .
37 Similarly , and for the same reason , it is of the nature of text to under-determine its interpretation , particularly so in the case of literature , so that a text is objectively compatible with an open array of readings relativised to different contexts and interests .
38 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
39 In 1855 he took his first party abroad to the Paris Exhibition and during the same year organized and led a Grand Circular Tour of Antwerp , Brussels , Waterloo , Cologne , Frankfurt , Heidelberg , Baden Baden and Paris .
40 In 1913 , the Royal Flying Corps had 8 biplanes at Gailes and during the same year an airship was seen over the county for the first time .
41 Between 1851 and 1901 the agricultural labour force in County Durham dropped from 10,004 to 5,049 , and during the same period many others were thrown out of work when the lead mines closed .
42 During a particular week the fisherman sells the farmer two fish at £4 per fish , and during the same week the farmer sells the fisherman eight loaves at £1 per loaf .
43 David Livingstone , father of Andrew and of the same address , said his son had been at home weight training when he was supposed to be out throwing stones .
44 ‘ Clearly , ’ he said to himself , ‘ Each T on this ball is regular and of the same dimensions as each and every other T. Clearly also , each and every pentagon is regular and the same size as each and every other pentagon . ’
45 This , however , does not mean that all the shares , even if of the same nominal value and of the same class , will necessarily be issued at the same price , or that , even if they are , all shareholders will necessarily be treated alike as regards calls for the unpaid part .
46 We may become more like them in our styles and habits ; we may begin to look at our children as our parents looked at us ; we may even assume that we will die at the age at which they died , and of the same disease or in the same way .
47 This is the first time that such a show has been organised in Bavaria and reflects the interest of its creator , Prinz Georg von Hohenzollern , who is Generaldirektor of the Bavarian Staatliche Gemäldesammlungen and of the same family as Frederick the Great .
48 Although they were in the same show and of the same age , they were a world apart as women and performers .
49 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
50 Two in five employers said that a woman the same age and with the same skills as a man would be more likely to be turned down because of her age .
51 Its author dispensed with the laconic and often uninformative methods adopted by many medieval annalists , writing at length and in a distinctive style not unlike that of homilists of the period , and with the same purpose — heightened effect .
52 Champions North-West stood head and shoulders above the rest last year , the only side to remain unbeaten and with the same squad available , will take all the beating once again .
53 Anne was more comfortable with the married women she worked with , many of them with husbands in the Forces and with the same problems and hopes as herself .
54 If rest and relaxation are approached with the same openness and with the same willingness to learn as the changing of negative emotional states and our health , they can be used to heal us and to strengthen our health and emerging state of mind .
55 Heber 's study , the Post said , ‘ revealed not that mental deficiencies are passed on genetically , but that mentally retarded mothers tend to create an environment that is less conducive to mental development than that created by slum neighbours of normal intelligence , ’ The New York Times told its readers : ‘ The Milwaukee Project , an experiment in intensive preschool education for ( potentially retarded ) children , has proved that they can be raised more than 30 test points higher than other children from the same environment and with the same type of mother . ’
56 New nominations will be submitted by the Thursday , under the same procedure and with the same arrangements for consultation as described in paragraphs 4–9 for the first ballot , both for the original candidates if required and for any other candidates .
57 Time and again we have put down the markers and placed on record that we would regard it as a perfectly reasonable alternative to what exists now if there were a series of companies throughout Scotland which represented the ownership of those at present employed by the Scottish Bus Group under the same conditions as at present and with the same commitment to the current level of services .
58 Last year , at about this time in the summer , my daughter Isobel , and a friend , Peta Sherwood , made a similar journey by rail , and with the same ideas ; to keep a diary and to record , in paint , the passing days .
59 A splendid lady as convivial as her father , and with the same passion not far beneath she also served on Michael Jopling 's working hours Select Committee .
60 Of course we might assume that in our stationary state every business remained always of the same size , and with the same trade connection .
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