Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] month " in BNC.

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1 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
2 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
3 Forty Minutes is following six patients during their two-day crash course in self-healing at the centre and during the nine months after ward .
4 Indeed , throughout September and October 1985 , and during the following months , the imagery of race continued to dominate debate about both the causes and the policy outcomes of the riots .
5 Nietzsche was not present , but whereas the premiere of Tristan in 1865 had not prompted any discernible reaction in him , on this occasion he took a much livelier interest and during the following months familiarized himself with the work through the score .
6 It saw a slight recovery of demand for its products by the end of 1992 and during the first months of 1993 .
7 All the trouble and strife is behind you today is a golden glow beh today , a golden glow begins to settle over all of your relationships and during the next month many of you may be thinking of making serious commitments .
8 It was long , slow , difficult work , and during the next months I learnt to be very clever with my tools .
9 ‘ Middlesbrough is richly endowed with religious communities and during the coming months we will need to give some careful thought as to how our own diocese can benefit from this moment of Grace for the whole church . ’
10 It certainly looked more suited to planting telephone poles than megaliths — despite the fact that the closest phone was in Makassar — and throughout the ensuing month its groans and screams would punctuate the festivities .
11 The Cabinet , however , even though shorn of Crosland , and also of Roy Jenkins on the right and Barbara Castle on the left for different reasons , still remained credible as an agent of authority , and in the early months of 1977 Britain slowly emerged towards a plateau of greater tranquillity and modest economic recovery .
12 He had become the representative voice of the nation under threat , and in the early months of 1940 he wrote a patriotic poem , " Defence of the Islands " , to accompany an exhibition of British war photographs at the New York World 's Fair .
13 He was a relatively wealthy man ; his annual income , from both his publishing salary and his royalties , was approximately £4,000 , and in the early months of this year his income from the New York production of The Cocktail Party was estimated at about £570 per week : this was no doubt why , in June , he was looking for an accountant .
14 Damory and Audley , the husbands of the other two co-heiresses , were vulnerable to Despenser 's expansionism and in the early months of 1321 they and the other marchers turned to Lancaster for help .
15 Dealers appeared to shrug off reports of falling industrial productivity , declining orders at both wholesale and retail level , and rising inflation and unemployment ; they were , however , troubled by the US administration 's failure to secure an early resolution of the banking crisis [ see p. 37953 ] , and in the early months of 1991 their confidence was to sink still further , as the dollar declined to levels of around $1.00=£0.50 .
16 But in 1986 the brakes were taken off , and in the twelve months ending in December of that year the money supply was allowed to rise by 109 per cent .
17 Although Chi Chi was forty-six or so , he could still play some , and in the eighteen months I was with him he actually broke two course records on the tour .
18 But there were heavy criticisms during the period it was broadcast and in the following months .
19 During the Munich crisis of September 1938 some rehearsals for evacuation were carried out , and in the following months arrangements were speeded up .
20 Coleridge must soon have taken the poem to read to the Wordsworths , and in the following month had an even more substantial achievement to show them .
21 In September 1941 , he had to be in Wales and Oxford , and in the following month he travelled to Bristol , Wells , Durham and Newcastle — each appointment requiring the preparation of a lecture or talk .
22 Early in 1991 he called on Arabs and Muslims to persuade the Allies to declare a cease-fire ; in July he saw both Tareq Aziz and President Mubarak in an attempt to intercede ; and in the following month his efforts continued , in what was described as a ‘ last-ditch mediation effort ’ .
23 It has a comprehensive index ( Figure 5.3 ) which is reissued four times a year and in the intervening months index supplements are issued .
24 Paykel ( 1979 ) pointed out that events are also more common in the lives of schizophrenic patients in the six months before their first admission and in the six months prior to suicide attempts .
25 Machinery , electronic equipment , loose gear and navigational aids were all each tested separately and together and in the two months after launch FAB 3 was put through some 60 hours of intense examination .
26 For 133 days in 1988 Lyle had led the US Money List , he had won the Phoenix , Greensboro and Masters titles and in the first months of 1989 he twice came second .
27 Even in the prenatal period the fetus is communicating that it is growing in size ; and in the later months of pregnancy that it is capable of movement .
28 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee , named Nazareth .
29 Although the numbers are small , there were similar rates of endometriosis in the never pregnant and in the unknown category , low rates in pregnant women and in the 48 months following pregnancy , and then higher rates once again in the remaining groups .
30 Nos. 11 and 13 were used for the inspection of the Crystal Palace route and these cars took over the working of the Penge route as soon as the Corporation cars were withdrawn in June 1906 and in the same month , one of them was fitted with Raworth regenerative equipment for a demonstration on Anerley Hill for tramway engineers .
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