Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] way [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are important lessons here both for future policy formulation and for the way an LEA 's officers work .
2 What impressed her most of all was his knowledge of the town itself , and of the way a town functions .
3 The little stone winked like a red star in the firelight and Carrie thought of Mrs Gotobed , suddenly ; of the time she 'd had tea with her and of the way the flames danced in her rings as she stroked the silk of her dress .
4 And along the way the production makes a number of intelligent points .
5 President Assad evidently took great comfort from the international onslaught on Saddam Hussein , his hated Baathist rival , and from the way the crisis reflected on another old adversary , PLO Chair Yassir Arafat .
6 And from the way the staff greeted her she was obviously a regular there ; she had to chat to several before taking a glass of wine to a booth towards the front out of Maxim 's sight .
7 What follows , therefore , is an outline which is very general indeed and in no way a blueprint to be slavishly followed in every instance .
8 The LIFT-RIGHT-LEG sub-function of the WALK function is not a part of it and in no way a module of it .
9 A more wide-ranging reason is that love of things , especially artificial things , could be seen as the besetting sin of modern civilisation , and in a way a new one , not quite Avarice and not quite pride , but somehow attached to both ( see pp. 68 , 128 above ) .
10 She knew she ought not to mind his advances — they were only natural really , and in a way a compliment .
11 She could not think that , and in a way the question was senseless .
12 They clambered to respectability by continually putting their own house in order , and in a way the battle to bring in not only the middle classes but the religious , the political , and the serious-minded took far more energy and ingenuity than winning that initial mass audience .
13 By the government is the first answer that you will be likely to give , and in a way the answer is right .
14 Now , in analyzing dreams that is the single and in a way the only problem .
15 The background changes and in a way the background is about things like the visual aids , flipcharts and er the use of video and er even these peripherals you can put on a on a overhead projector now that plug into a computer .
16 The Fort was a warren of underground tunnels and batteries and in every way a security nightmare , and the Prince 's staff and members of BitC ( also involved in the outing ) , who had done the recce , realized they had to get the Prince away from the youth schemes and down into the safety of the seminar very quickly .
17 [ Dombey and Son , Ch 16 ] The artlessness of the child 's mind is reflected partly in the repetitions " watching it and watching everything " and " deepen , deepen , deepen " ; in the use of common words , especially those with monosyllabic stems : " he thought how the long streets were dotted with lamps " , " and now he thought how black it was " ; and in the way the cohesion of the passage rests on the subject pronoun he and the conjunction and .
18 Besides — and in the way the French Army of those days functioned it is hard to believe such considerations did not pass through Joffre 's mind — if things went badly wrong henceforth at Verdun , the Generalissimo 's responsibility would now be shared by another .
19 ‘ Seed capital ’ ( May ) , raised an important issue relating to the accounting treatment of research and development costs and to the way the financial market apparently views companies whose results are depressed by R&D spending .
20 In practice , the egalitarian individual always occupies a position in a well-defined hierarchy , and this position is repeatedly asserted by the way he behaves towards others and by the way the others react in response .
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