Example sentences of "and [prep] [det] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 The kidnappings were a traumatic event and for some time the Gombe Stream Research Centre was closed to students .
2 the machinery of exchange and distribution established by recent decrees was quickly pushed aside ; and for some time the most effective instruments in extracting grain from the peasant were the ‘ iron detachments ’ of workers from towns and factories reinforced by the local committees of poor peasants .
3 What they had said really ‘ took seed ’ a few months later , when I set off on a world trip for seven months , and during that time the friend I was with , Ella , decided a few times , in different parts of the world , to lose some weight and tone up .
4 It lasted three days and during that time the 4,000 delegates had a choice of plenary sessions with top speakers , technical study groups , workshops , banquets , free time and even great music .
5 For all her strange behaviour in rehearsals and in the office , she had held her position as director for eleven years and during that time the Tiller troupes still commanded the highest respect and dominated all other dance troupes .
6 I was eight months at Huntingdon , from February to October 1945 , and during that time the war came to an end , first the German war and then , most unexpectedly , the Japanese war .
7 Two people have not spoken to each other for months and during that time the sun has gone down day after day upon their anger with each other .
8 ‘ This first stage of the course will last about three weeks ( ten days for the short courses ) and during that time the crews will complete about 84 hours of lectures covering eight different subjects .
9 Miss Taylor , you went to Hollywood as a very young girl and during that time the young actors and actresses such as Mickey Rooney , Judy Garland and Deanna Durbin seemed to be channelled towards song and dance .
10 And during that time the house had become brighter in all ways , not only through her cleaning and her presence but also through her cooking .
11 We have been here since 1986 and during that time the town has gone completely down the pan . ’
12 The incubation period between picking up the infection and showing the first clinical signs is four to five days and during this time the animal appears clinically normal .
13 This registration is normally for a period of twelve months and during this time the student will begin work for the research project .
14 At this point some other people arrived to catch the train and his attention turned to them for a split second and within that time the sound of the scrunching footsteps disappeared into the night .
15 Satellite surveillance is all very well , but it takes time to get information back and in that time a naval force can have moved a fair distance .
16 And in that time a whole regiment of cavalry could have got away .
17 And in that time the number of share-owners has more than tripled to more than nine million .
18 Tommy Chase Quartet Arts Centre , Darlington IT 'S BEEN three years since the Tommy Chase Quartet last played in Darlington and in that time the other players have changed completely .
19 The implementation of Part V of the FSA ( covering Offers of Unlisted Securities ) has been delayed since 1986 and since that time the EC directive on prospectuses has been adopted .
20 In the nineteen seventies I ran a school primary team , and at that time a woman refereeing football was quite a novelty .
21 In the 1960s it was totally re-built , and at that time no expense was spared .
22 The value of Newcastle 's shipping industry in the nineteenth century made it necessary for large ships to pass up the river , and the low stone bridge of 1771 was demolished to make way for the Swing Bridge built by Armstrongs , and at that time the largest of its kind in the world .
23 The milky-white substance which cloaked Bourn every day totally stopped the heavy bombers from taking off , and at that time the Allied armies were coping with the Battle of the Bulge in France and desperately needed air support .
24 The consultations that the Board has conducted over the last year have indicated that both SSAP 15 and SSAP 24 are high on the list of standards that should be subject to a comprehensive review in the medium term and at that time the inconsistencies in the approaches adopted , as noted above , can be considered more fully .
25 It was 1747 before trouble was again encountered over the question of the collectorship , and at that time the office had been held without dispute for several years by Michael Elphinstone of Quarrel , whose election had been secured by an alliance of the Duke of Montrose and Lord Elphinstone .
26 It was by that act that the rogue assumed the rights of an owner and at that time the property did belong to the plaintiff .
27 Before entry into the study , each patient had a cystoscopy and at that time the number and position of tumours within the bladder were noted , the largest tumour was measured in two diameters and was resected into muscle , one tumour was selected as a , a reference tumour and left in situ and all the rest of the tumours were resected .
28 And at that time the hosiery finishing union had perhaps got eight hundred er nine hundred members spread over perhaps eight factories .
29 And at that time the railway was It was private .
30 The hon. Gentleman talks of the need for consistency , but the only consistency under Labour was in cutting the numbers of police — and at that time the hon. Gentleman was a member of the Cabinet .
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