Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Only in Prussia and the eastern border districts was the emancipation not revoked for the simple reason that the Junkers needed the Jews to operate between the Prussian nobles and the German peasants , and as go-betweens for the Prussian Poles .
2 To re-elect Messrs and as Directors of the Company .
3 Women have power as housewives , wives and mothers , and as members of the community .
4 These tests have been used for individual student assessment and as instruments for the product evaluation of instructional programmes .
5 They are well exhibited in the Machilidae , where they are present in a reduced condition on the 2nd to 9th segments , and as cerci on the 11th segment .
6 Learn to study footnotes for further information and as clues to the scholarship and plausibility of the historian 's arguments .
7 But by the 1880s the new clientele , of shop assistants and stock-exchange speculators , was found in restaurants , cabarets , and as shoppers in the grands magasins .
8 Used to distinguish between ON and OFF pixels in the stored picture .
9 Co-operation continued to flourish between diplomats , members of the armed forces , and between sections of the bureaucracies .
10 This is partly done individually but the discussion and agreement stages involve meetings within the project team and between members of the team and other company functions .
11 If the covariances between changes in the index and changes in interest rates , and between changes in the index and changes in the volatility of stock exchange returns , are zero , then the volatility of futures price changes will fall as delivery approaches , which is the opposite of the Samuelson hypothesis .
12 Given the disparate sources of the Constitution and the fact that important relationships within and between organs of the state are not laid down in any one formal or binding document , it is not surprising that one must have recourse to books by constitutional scholars to discover the extent and nature of those relationships .
13 In the Command Area they move the cursor between prompts and between branches of the Command tree .
14 Measurement will concentrate on managerial perceptions and communication patterns within their own organisations and between organisations in the industries in which they compete .
15 In short , we remain with the division between sectors of the economy — between manufacturing and service industries — and between enterprises in the economy — between service companies and institutions .
16 The principle of non-discrimination prohibits all discrimination on grounds of nationality both between ships of the member states and between nationals of the member states , as the case may be .
17 These excellent facilities are used by the University sports clubs for practice and for matches in the local leagues .
18 The hotel is convenient for the airport and for excursions across the river to the Valleys of the Kings and Queens .
19 In the Forest of Dean the verderers sat with the deputy Constable of St Briavels to hold attachment courts at Kensley every six weeks ; fines were imposed for hunting with long bows , and for offences against the vert such as cutting great branches , rooting up hollies , hawthorns and hazels , and collecting ‘ Oke-cornes ’ .
20 There will also be more frequencies for the BBC and commercial local radio , and for improvements to the coverage of existing services .
21 Students at the University of Conakry were on strike for most of November 1990 in support of demands for increases in their grants and for improvements in the quality of teaching and of library and other facilities .
22 It is intended to create a centre for the public seeking the services of architects and for members of the RIBA to hold meetings in their own premises and for large events to use the village hall facilities next door .
23 The convention also turned down proposals to limit the President 's tenure to two five-year terms , to allow more than one presidential candidate and for members of the UNIP central committee and other party officials to be elected by popular vote .
24 Men and women 's skin are the same colour ; white is scarcely used , and red in a strictly limited way : for linear adjuncts like wreaths , for blood from wounds , and for inscriptions on the background .
25 In the January 1972 hearings of the Select Committee on Expenditure of the House of Commons , repeated requests made by Members of Parliament for a list of the programmes subject to analysis and for copies of the reports so far prepared were denied .
26 The order was not one for the recovery or preservation of trust property but called for information and for copies of the defendants ' documents which , so far as compliance might incriminate them , the defendants were entitled to disregard .
27 The profiles shown in Figure 3.3 do indicate such a curve for men and for women in the early stages of their working careers .
28 And for hints about the way you spy .
29 He was deposed from the ministry of the Church of Scotland in 1831 for teaching that ‘ assurance of salvation ’ is attainable , and is indeed part of genuine faith , and for views on the atonement incompatible with the Westminster Confession .
30 S/L Paul Day , best-known for flying with the BBMF , was awarded this AFC on January 1 , 1987 for services to RAF air combat training and for services to the BBMF .
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