Example sentences of "and [prep] the long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was suddenly tired and the beer was going to his head , making him think of Madra lying in the house they had left , and of the long journey ahead of them through the mountains .
2 However , further evaluation is needed of the other important aspects of psychogeriatric assessment , and of the long term outcomes associated with this particular style of service .
3 In the air-conditioned House of Commons , set in the English climate , and with the long recess allowing members to look for long hot beaches , such a plagiarism illustrated how not to employ catch-phrases of the day .
4 And so we followed the old man up the stone steps beneath the portico and into the long hall .
5 The most vivid memory I have of that Christmas Day is of Shanti , now almost two years old , walking round and round the long dining-room table , pulling a little toy engine given to her by one of the boys , round and round , smiling and smiling .
6 It is clear both from Scripture and in the long experience of the Church , that some Christians can do this much more effectively than the majority .
7 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee had been sitting before McCarthy and it went on after him and in the long run this damaged more people .
8 Where kids become worldly-wise with such rapidity , it is easy for a certain laissez-faire to creep in ; they expect to have unbridled access to everything , and in the long run this is not doing any favours to either party concerned .
9 However , urban commons may provide an alternative to more formal ways of treating ‘ spare ground ’ , cheaper and in the long run more popular , not only with the wild life , but with the human residents as well .
10 And in the long run .
11 If you pin all your hopes on it , you may see improvements where there are none , and in the long run this could be very damaging to your child .
12 This is humanity 's oft-repeated experience , and in the long run it is experience which really teaches , and no amount of scriptural citation of divinely allocated land will ever alter that .
13 In those instances I 'd force myself and in the long run it turned out better .
14 We are to have larger leagues next season and in the long run that ca n't be for the good of the game in Wales .
15 This phenomenon leads to an endless chain of adaptive responses and in the long run means that fitness and rate of extinction remain constant .
16 Reagan rarely used the term ‘ supply side ’ himself and in the long run shrank from the full implications of the theory .
17 Knowing Wigg , I warned him that to pursue the matter for any other reason would be discreditable and in the long run would be sure to be to his detriment .
18 In theory ( and in the long run ) liberals , such as J. S. Mill , were prepared to recognise that representative government based on the whole people was the best form of government since political participation would promote the virtue , intelligence and " development " of the people .
19 She toured Britain and West Europe , she broadcast constantly — but she preferred recitals to the teamwork of symphonies , so never got taken up by one conductor , and in the long run that can be very important .
20 We never asked for these technologies , and in the long run they give us fewer choices , not more .
21 Thus monetary policy is the means of controlling inflation , and in the long run , control of the money supply will not affect output ( Q ) and employment .
22 Forest fans gave it to that slag Clough and in the long run they got a bitter reward .
23 It could also be spent on buying private properties which would in turn get the private housing market moving , and in the long run would save money on keeping families in bed and breakfast accommodation .
24 Yes , it used to be two and a half times the wage and in the long run rather than mess about taking the house off them
25 Robin Dew equalled his personal best time of 15.4 secs. in the colts 100 metres , taking fourth place , and in the long jump he was also fourth in an excellent 4 metres 15 , the BAF standard for this event and close to his personal best .
26 The conference had nothing like the coverage of either the British Medical Association or Royal Institute of British Architects festivities , so its impact on the public at the time was negligible ; but it marked a significant turn in the Prince 's own farming methods , brought environmental concerns slowly into consumer consciousness and in the long term dealt a devastating blow to the agrochemical industry .
27 And in the long term , as Keynes might also have said , we will keep on worrying about the short term .
28 Another major factor offsets the impoverished state of museums and archaeology and in the long term this will have a far more profound effect .
29 Alternatively , and in the long term , plan building in cities to cut down on travel overall .
30 An open letter to the meeting by nine local doctors argued the factory would ‘ unfortunately constitute a definite health hazard to the existing local population and in the long term to their children … .
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