Example sentences of "and [prep] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You may snort and think that this is very far-fetched but you can be assured that the majority of lecturers who appear before you not only know their subjects but are enthusiastic about them and about transmitting their knowledge to you .
2 Lewis said more grateful things and about naming his son Hilbert being only proper and suitable under the circumstances .
3 He agonized about losing his spectacles , for Ford was as short-sighted as a mole , and he worried about losing his battalion 's colours , and about losing his hair .
4 Kathleen flushed and was angry with herself for it and for allowing her sister to get the better of her again .
5 An environment in which the nursing student is supernumerary , with improved facilities for teaching and for sharing my teaching role with other colleagues .
6 He did not know how to tell her that he was very , very sorry for being small , and for snivelling , and for ruining her life so that she could not go to America to be a film-star .
7 ( 3 ) Before making an order under this section , the court shall consider what order for costs should be made against the assisted party and for determining his liability in respect of such costs .
8 These two hundred and thirty miles on the road should have been a time for strengthening bonds and for unifying our resolve , but I felt continually at cross-purposes with him .
9 He most likely uses it for private communication with his lackeys , and for controlling his zombis . ’
10 However , little remains static in the chemical industry and , as natural gas became available ICI had a new challenge and new opportunities for selling catalysts and for licensing its technology .
11 They are also responsible for helping you with your development and for appraising your performance , see APPRAISAL AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING .
12 and for passing their forklift truck tests .
13 He sat with me and watched Jo Spence 's documentary on her fight against a serious illness and he admired her for her spirit and for using her work to get through her situation .
14 The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires all police authorities to make arrangements ‘ for obtaining the views of the people ’ about the policing of their area and for enlisting their co-operation for crime prevention .
15 Sanctions can not possibly ‘ work ’ in the time he can allow for maintaining half a million men in combat readiness thousands of miles from home and for keeping his public opinion with him .
16 During talks in Bangkok on Oct. 12-13 between Soviet representatives and ministers and central bank governors of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries ( delayed pending the eventual arrival of the Soviet team ) , a " strong endorsement " was given to the intention of the Soviet Union and the republics to " resolve certain fundamental issues essential for the maintenance of international creditworthiness and for ensuring their access to new credits " .
17 ( 1 ) In all the circumstances is it more appropriate that a court of the country to which a child has been wrongfully removed or in which it is being wrongfully retained ( country B ) ’ — in this case one can say England — ‘ should reach decisions and make orders with a view to its welfare or is it more appropriate that this should be done by a court of the country from which it was removed or to which its return has been wrongfully prevented ( [ Australia ] ) ? ( 2 ) If , but only if , the answer to the first question is that the court of [ England ] is the more appropriate court , should that court give any consideration whatsoever to what further orders should be made other than for the immediate return of the child to [ Australia ] and for ensuring its welfare pending the resumption or assumption of jurisdiction by the courts of that country ?
18 It took me some years after reading economics at Cambridge to form the view that there was no substitute in a free society for the market-place as the most efficient means for encouraging production and for ensuring its distribution .
19 His preference for examining collegiality and for finding its stumbling blocks in the conditions in which primary-school teachers have to work seems more appropriate when real schools come to mind .
20 Mr Boren has a reputation for defying his party ( about a third of his votes over the past four years have been against the Democratic line ) and for changing his mind .
21 Matters then came to a head and after dropping her baby the mother was distraught about what she had done to her child .
22 Sometimes Soutine , who was living in the village , came over to enjoy a good chicken dinner , and after eating their fill the two artists reproached their host for living in such luxury .
23 When the plant closed , and after trying his hand at a few other jobs , he finally settled at .
24 Sacred to the Aboriginals of the Kimberleys , the images are revered as awesome beings who in primeval times wandered around the landscape , instructing the indigenous people in the use of weapons and tools and initiating tribal laws , rites and customs , and after completing their task they disappeared into the heavens or into the ground .
25 And after watching her beat two previous winners with staggering ease , owner Lord Carnarvon said : ‘ She 's very exciting , really a bit special , the best filly out so far . ’
26 He sent for his carriage and jumped in , and after telling his coachman to drive fast he ordered him to stop .
27 He 'd never settled back into civilian life , and after telling his family at Wood Burcote in Northamptonshire that he was going camping in France , wrote to say he 'd enlisted with the Croats .
28 The presb. after serious dealing with him to convince him of the evil of the said practice , and after receiving his promise judicially not to practice it any more appoints him to be publickly rebuked before the congregation by his parish minister . "
29 The presb. after serious dealing with him to convince him of the evil of the said practice , and after receiving his promise judicially not to practice it any more appoints him to be publickly rebuked before the congregation by his parish minister . "
30 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
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