Example sentences of "and [adj] 's where [art] " in BNC.

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1 so you er you take your shoe your socks off and you find you 've got a , some blood in your socks , and that 's where a leech had been .
2 And that 's where a lot of it and she still think 's that he 's
3 Efficient stocktaking is a key element in controlling these prices and expenditure — and that 's where the Psion Organiser comes in .
4 The chances are that you have n't and that 's where The Photographer 's Studio Manual comes in .
5 And that 's where the rift begins : then you have to make a choice , staying with my white friends or going with my black friends .
6 so that 's what the money is about and that 's where the money came from
7 and that 's where the term blind drunk comes from .
8 no it was really New Town school children , because there was Forbert and Barnard 's school down the Old Town and that 's where the Old Town , all the Old Town people went , children went , so really Mark Hall was just New Town children you know , and then when , when we were eleven and had to go to another school we , er there was no comprehensive school in Harlow then , er we had to get on a bus and go to Chingford that was , did n't we ?
9 And that 's where the confusion comes in that it it varies depending on which angle .
10 here and here and that 's where the trouble 's coming from .
11 and that 's where the back door is , in the other bedroom you 've got a ventilator you know but it 's not actually facing into the bedroom , it 's facing outwards towards the bathroom , you know and the stairs
12 Well I think it was I mean that erm we when you dredge from the Causeway I 'd say near the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all the way to Botterman 's Bay just below Pinmill and that Botterman 's Bay was that 's a place where they had and that 's where the big ships used to moor then and they used to get .. be lightened , like all grain goods and that used to be loaded into barges by hand and then when it goes so light they used to the fish with about three thousand grain in 'em and then they used to fill them up in the dock , on the same method .
13 You do n't get the good , really good light until you get across the water and out onto these hills and that 's where the the good light is in that erm top i third of the picture I think is where the real quality is .
14 Mm , I mean that 's , it 's , you know , a potato is a potato is a potato , in , you know in commodity terms , but you know , you can change the way the , the product by attaching lots of services to that raw food product , and that 's where the scope for differentiation comes from , it 's the , the combination of attributes in er , agricultural goods so you 've T V dinners and all the rest of it .
15 I think , erm , unfortunately , an employer and even possibly any employer whether it 's a nationalized industry or unnationalized industry will want to produce value added per employee , and that 's where the erm , pay is going to come from .
16 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
17 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
18 And that 's where the two days filming at Gloucester docks comes in :
19 Well that that is now accommodation for away supporters down at there is no cover over it as yet , there were plans to make a covered stand of it but er they have n't it has been covered over and that 's where the away supporters still stand to this day and a little bit around the corner at the bottom end , at the railway end as they call it now , not the laundry end .
20 And that 's where the men worked and they just made the barrels in there .
21 The ‘ no vote ’ usually happens when you 're least expecting it and that 's where the tension comes in .
22 That 's it and that 's where the water will come through
23 and that 's where the steel came in
24 And that 's where the survey 's gon na be , right in the middle is it ?
25 The potential deficit on the poll tax collection fund er because of these people not registering is well over million pounds and that by spending the hundred thousand proposed here , would actually bring it down to seven hundred and thirty five thousand pounds and that 's where the conjuring trick is er this er amendment because of course , if you work out the increase in the balances that you are proposing to take in this amendment , it works out exactly to seven hundred and thirty five thousand pounds , well it does on my calculations Mr Mayor .
26 Er this taken from where the signal box used to be , and that 's where the line out to is over there .
27 From the sunlight , and that 's where the inorganic chemistry comes in .
28 There were a lot of very poor men also in a number of these trades who were not originally covered by the legislation , and that 's where the erm the developments have , have come from since then , the dynamic of the policy , because the argument over whether it should be only for women rebounded on them , and people said , ‘ No , it should n't ’ , so for a while the legislation was all scrapped and then they started again , and now the Americans have much more comprehensive laws than we do .
29 The unions want not only a pay rise but a proper pay mechanism for the future , and that 's where the talks could still fail .
30 Now that 's not particularly sensational , and that 's where the drugs and the alcohol abuse level comes across , and that is the emotive term , but what I 'm saying really is the symptoms which that teachers are displaying of stress manifest themselves in an increase in er abuse of alcohol which could only be the odd extra drink , or the odd 5 cigarettes a day , and sleeping tablets , and that becomes an issue when you have n't got a teacher who 's not in control the following day , but you certainly have a teacher who 's not 100% , and that 's where the effect on the child tends to occur .
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