Example sentences of "and [adj] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But according to Israeli officials , most of the Soviets choose to live here in Tel Aviv or Haifa in Israel proper , and that only a fraction , less than one per cent , go to the occupied territories .
2 She always used to ask my opinions of things and that now a lot of my answers made sense .
3 Not guilty , did n't do it that 's why what gorilla man did sickened me ; no blood well hardly any blood literally a drop , a drip , a fucking pixel on the screen and the only thing slicing into flesh was a needle , tiny and delicate not a chainsaw or an axe or a knife or anything , but it 's that image that idea that old devil meme , I keep dreaming about it , keep having nightmares about it , and I 'm the trapped one , I 'm the man in the leather-and-chrome chair and he 's there with his gorilla face and his squeaky baby voice , explaining to the camera that what he has in this bottle and in this syringe is sperm ; the crazy fucker 's loaded it up with jism man looks like half a fucking milk bottle of the stuff and he 's going to inject it into the little guy 's veins and he ties something round the naked upper arm of the little guy strapped to the chair and pulls it tight and waits for the vein to show while the little guy howls and screams like a child and tries to shake the chair to bits or rip it apart but he 's too well strapped in there no purchase no leverage and then the man in the gorilla mask just does it ; sinks the needle into the little guy 's skin with a bit of blood and empties the whole syringe into him .
4 A clear handball , as the replay shows and sure enough a penalty , but then Oxford 's Mike Ford was mysteriously sent off for the offence .
5 What Protschka and his excellent pianist Deutsch ( who gauges his tone ideally every time ) reveal in what promises to be an intégrale is the gulf between agreeably homely songs based on lesser versifiers and folk sources ( with one that occasionally stands out , like Es ist ein Schnitter , der heisst Tod ) and those where a poem has caught Mendelssohn 's imagination and he ceases to put his melodic shape first .
6 It might be easier to split this hundred and one up a bit , hundred add one , times twenty add N , okay ?
7 In order to clarify the procedure we work the " general case " first and only then a couple of concrete examples .
8 All right let's see if we can get you a bugler nobody 's ringing at the moment but you want a bugler for a week on Sunday the fourteenth to blow reveille and the Last Post at eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock a week on Sunday at Calverton in Nottinghamshire .
9 The techniques of processing the data on grain size were largely explored during the 1920s and 1930s when a series of textural classifications was introduced .
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