Example sentences of "and [adj] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even as a match for the Tatar warriors of the Crimea , who were similarly equipped , their value declined when in the 1630s and 1640s a strong line of fortifications was built in the south .
2 No matter how ruthless and cruel the evolutionary process may appear to be , it nevertheless must be regarded as having been inevitably so .
3 England will look back with regret on a first half which saw them produce only one score , and that a debatable penalty seven minutes before the interval .
4 Research studies in the US and the UK have found that young people are drinking no more than they were 20 years ago and that the vast majority drink sensibly .
5 Just as well that Neil Mallender is having an impressive season and that the towering Dutchman ( yes , another ! )
6 They lashed alongside and they lowered the stuff right onto the onto the coble To start with we rowed it ashore with a couple or oars or maybe four oars and took off the cattle and that the same way just .
7 Alain Carignon , forty-four , mayor of Grenoble since 1983 , and President of the Department of Isère , is said to be very keen on the post and possible the strongest candidate .
8 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
9 Between 1951 and 1980 the total area brought under afforestation schemes was 3.18m ha , and 2.2m ha ( nearly 70% ) were plantations for industrial purposes .
10 One solution could be to double notes at the octave , but this leads to poor results , as doubled notes become too powerful and upset the chordal equilibrium .
11 Between 1976 and 1986 the average error in the Treasury 's forecasting of the PSBR ( whether negative or positive ) was £2.3 billion , and in the 1983 edition of the Treasury 's Financial Statement and Budget Report it was estimated that the average error in forecasting the public sector borrowing requirement for the year ahead was ofthe order of 1.5 per cent of GDP .
12 Between 1981 and 1986 the average hospital stay for a patient aged 85 and over decreased by 7.7 days .
13 Between 1976 and 1986 the total number of one parent families increased by 35 per cent .
14 Between 1979 and 1986 the clear-up rate fell from 41 per cent to 32 per cent .
15 While a few felt that the social workers , were helpful and supportive an equal number considered them to be patronizing and authoritarian .
16 Enter , and each the wonted task resumes
17 But between 1846 and 1850 an annual average of more than a quarter of a million left Europe , in the next five years an annual average of almost 350,000 ; in 1854 alone no less than 428,000 arrived in the United States .
18 Lot a hundred and eight a portable reed organ there it is twenty for this twenty anywhere ?
19 Slowly , with infinite care , Rourke reached up and untwined the tight band of her fingers from around the heavy ornament .
20 One might hardly suspect that so simple a task for so few seconds of film could prove so practically trying and , on reflection , so symbolic of our whole chain of adventures , attempting to keep aloft and alive a consecutive string of luminous mirrors against rather ridiculous odds .
21 His answer is immediate and emphatic a good hunter , he says you know what a woman wants in a , in a husband is a man who can you know bring home the bacon literally , er it 's not smoked of course , but it 's fresh !
22 Some judges and academic authorities favour a narrow and some a broad approach to the meaning of the term .
23 At death , in the moment of passing , all secure an entry , and some a lasting monument ; but of most people 's later life little is ever known , or now knowable .
24 The fundamental difference between the traditional novel and this the new novel is that now the style is analytical and psychological .
25 The effective teaching of history requires first and foremost a healthy environment in which to flourish .
26 Nevertheless , within controlled limits and in certain circumstances , civilised life must provide room for a certain amount of transfer of that responsibility to the social and political structure , but human beings must never forget that parenthood is first and foremost a personal responsibility .
27 Since Karajan was first and foremost a great musician , it follows that Karajan the film-maker is a man who helps transform our aural sensibilities .
28 He is first and foremost a brilliant engineer and he is happy to be free to concentrate on research and development while I get on with marketing . ’
29 There is no doubt that was first and foremost a first class milling engineer , probably without equal in his time .
30 Often local pubs serve as a base for the local community : as Neil Richardson pointed out in CAMRA 's Pub Preservation report of 1980 , ‘ The pub is first and foremost a social centre , the best ever invented …
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