Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
2 Performance did not improve — road and air increasingly cut into the rail markets — and the railways were now in the political arena , to be tugged this way and that with every change of government .
3 Cling to him , and we shall be safe and sound from every danger .
4 But even if the Manchu was curious , his adherence to the code of satori — a system of behaviour which defined what was right and proper for every situation — would prevent him from giving the feeling expression .
5 In fact , he was brutally cynical , ruthlessly efficient and hardened to every sob story under the sun .
6 But to show Ian the detrimental effects of talking when you should be working , Mrs Britten held up Ian 's painting in front of the class and systematically ridiculed his efforts ; this with Ian standing beside her going redder and redder with every word .
7 But there does not seem to be any need for all those other galaxies , nor for the universe to be so uniform and similar in every direction on the large scale .
8 The effect of the development plan programme was to lay existing procedures bare , to make them explicit and visible to every citizen , not just the interested parties , parents and teachers .
9 And crucial to every step of the show , is the wardrobe .
10 ‘ Every body placed in the luminous air spreads out in circles and fills the surrounding space with infinite likenesses of itself and appears all in all and all in every part . ’
11 Californian Chardonnays are becoming more elegant and stylish with every vintage .
12 ‘ He was n't exactly a winner but he was honest and decent in every way .
13 After all , there was something to be admired , something good and beautiful in every kind of weather .
14 The harvester moved round the field in a strict square , so that the standing crop grew smaller and smaller with every pass .
15 He expressed gratitude to " the millions of my compatriots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release " .
16 A traveller in 1798 found the latter in Middlesex to be " hard and clean in every sort of weather ; so much so , that gentlemen may ride along them , even directly after rain , and scarcely receive a splash " .
17 As soon as King Henry had breathed his last the barons had turned on each other like ravening wolves , attacking their neighbours and ripe for every type of lawlessness .
18 The first degree of love in Ego Dormio shown by an unshakeable adherence to the teaching of the Church and necessary to every man " will be safe " ( 63.91 ) seems to be taken for granted by the time of the later text .
19 It 's exhausting , trying to decide what to eat and worrying about every mouthful .
20 Sir John Banham , for instance , welcomed my right hon. Friend 's prudent Budget and the priority that he gives to reducing inflation , while the Institute of Directors said that the Budget was prudent and correct in every way .
21 CONSIDERABLE time and effort has gone into gathering information and analysing data with the aim of accelerating delivery of invoices to our clients and to ensure invoices are complete and correct in every detail .
22 Now you are stronger , wiser and finer in every way — more concerned with doing than dreaming and no longer a people-pleaser .
23 There 's good and bad in every quarter , and he 's a good bobby .
24 There is good and bad in every nation . ’
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