Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The Six original EC members , along with Spain , were committed to further developments like the Delors Plan , and Franco-German co-operation remained the back-bone of the unity movement .
2 Running east from Sedbergh to link with Wensleydale is the lovely unspoilt valley of Garsdale , native trees and lush pastures softening the harshness of the confining heights of Baugh Fell and Rise Hill .
3 Elastic cords at the waist and lower hem allow the fit to be adjusted and , despite all the twiddly bits , the jacket does not seem inordinately heavy .
4 Also in 1965 the Environmental Science Services Administration ( ESSA ) was instituted in the United States and its concern with the interactions among air , sea and earth and between the upper and lower atmosphere embraces the scope of physical geography , although a physical geographer was not significantly involved in the early stages ( Hare , 1966 ) .
5 My source tells me : ‘ The firemen were very helpful and attempted to remove the offending smoke sensor but could not isolate it from the system so the demonstration continued with shorter cooking times and lower temperatures to reduce the flames .
6 At present , black comedy 's screen coverage is limited to The Real McCoy — whose shaky sets and second-rate scripts hinder the scene 's advancement as much as the very presence of the show helps it .
7 Of the phocids , ringed , bearded , harp and hooded seals have the northernmost distributions , while ribbon and grey seals penetrate the arctic fringe , respectively in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans .
8 ( 2 ) Where a document of title to goods has been lawfully transferred to any person as buyer or owner of the goods , and that person transfers the document to a person who takes it in good faith and for valuable consideration , then — ; ( a ) if the last-mentioned transfer was by way of sale the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit is defeated ; and ( b ) if the last-mentioned transfer was made by way of pledge or other disposition for value , the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit can only be exercised subject to the rights of the transferee . ’
9 But Greenpeace insist that only a small percentage of the fish caught by the seals are of interest to the fishermen , and that over-fishing remains the main threat to North Sea fish stocks .
10 All this requires an enormous amount of work from both parties to the partnership , and that work represents the investment from which dividends may be expected .
11 Comforting a sad and discouraged Louise ( March 27th , 1853 ) , he reminds her that we are all caged birds , and that life weighs the heaviest on those with the largest wings : ‘ We are all to a greater or lesser degree eagles or canaries , parrots or vultures .
12 The expected support of the NUR and the NTW on Friday , 15 April 1921 never occurred , and that day became the infamous ‘ Black Friday ’ of Labour history .
13 His control is through their commitment to forming a clear vision of success and turning it into reality , and that vision includes the highest standards of self-discipline .
14 In a tokamak an external transformer winding induces a current in the plasma , and that current creates the poloidal field .
15 The Soviet Union would only permit a united Germany if that state was to be neutral , the argument went , and that way lay the old nightmare of a Germany swinging between East and West .
16 ‘ History as différance then means that history will itself always be subject to the operations of différance , and that différance names the form of its historicity .
17 The aim was to demonstrate what happenedat this most important of English battles … and that meanst portraying the fog and confusion of war .
18 There is some way to go : in fact , BIS Strategic Decisions has estimated that $50bn plus will be invested in Eastern European telecommunications over the next decade — and that estimate excludes the former Soviet Union .
19 I want us to have our own foreign policy , and that means having the means to carry it out .
20 All she thinks about is being happy — and that means having the things she thinks will make her happy . ’
21 It seems that the subtasks are arranged hierarchically and that learning follows the sequence from small or simple elements to chains and sequences .
22 The yell , as you connect , automatically tenses your body by forcing you to breathe out , and that tension increases the impact on your chosen soft spot .
23 Mind ye , they 've goat the money tae build anither Gallery , but yon Burrell said it had to be outside of Glasgow so the fog and smoke and that disna' get the pictures .
24 That incident pointed up the hostility between the two and that hostility reflects the political culture of Scotland .
25 And that illustration offers the same image of an invisible power , and with this we can begin to see the spirit of God at work in the world .
26 Twenty one days is up and that burk keeping the money off till I get paid .
27 For all irrational and exploitative forms of authority , self-assertion — the pursuit by another of his own goals — is the arch sin because it is a threat to the power of the authority ; the person subject to it is indoctrinated to believe that the aims of the authority are also his , and that obedience offers the optimal chance for fulfilling oneself .
28 It seems odd , at first sight , that the potteries of Stoke-on-Trent ( q.v. ) should have grown up more than two hundred miles away from the source of their vital ingredient , but in fact the manufacture of stoneware and earthenware had been established in Staffordshire long before the secret of porcelain was found , and that area had the necessary clay , coal and water supplies for the growth of the industry .
29 Delegates from Belgium , West Germany , France , the Netherlands , Luxemburg and Italy , met at Messina , in 1955 , and that meeting produced the basis for forming the European Economic Council .
30 Nor did this brief fashion for working-class subjects derive directly from their critical campaigns , except insofar as Richardson had directed Look Back in Anger on the stage in 1956 , and that production marked the cultural watershed from which a fashion for ‘ realism ’ seemed to flow .
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