Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
2 Toolbars are also customizable ; you can construct your own by dragging tools from existing bars and attaching them to your own .
3 Taking her hand warmly in his and tucking it into his pocket , he ordered softly , ‘ Tell me about Elinor Browne with an ‘ E ’ . ’
4 If these words , often carelessly spoken , can have such a long-term and devastating effect , think how much good we can do by encouraging our children and praising them for what they have achieved .
5 It may be extremely hard for your employer to justify a poor grading at assessment time when earlier in the year you received a letter from the chairman specifically thanking and praising you for your efforts .
6 Jonathan , Jonathan , dad wants to watch the news in a minute please , so hurry up and change it over You 'd think they 'd save that You do n't know , I would n't be surprised you will well that 's marvellous is n't it ?
7 She took all the bones out of his spinal column and compressed them to nothing , she turned his eyeballs inward , she jellied his legs , she unplugged and rewired his guts .
8 ‘ Confound you , ca n't you even face me now ? ’ he growled , and , walking up to her , he bent to seize her arms and drag her to her feet .
9 The Thames was flowing full and furious , the water greedily lapping their feet as if it would like to catch them and drag them under its swollen black surface .
10 Instead , I just lit up a straight fag and shared it with her , Bogart style .
11 He had got as far as the packaging and labelling them at his premises prior to taking them to the ship .
12 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
13 ‘ One is always grateful for that kind of comic genius who takes your script and plays it for everything that 's in it , ’ as Shaffer told me .
14 Alexandra read the paragraphs through carefully several times , then cut them out and laid them in her desk with his two letters .
15 I divested myself of all my own French honours and laid them in my elder son 's lap on condition he should be content to be French , as I had discovered I was English .
16 Adam picked her up in his arms and laid her on her desk : reports slithered off it and the Cartier clock crashed to the floor .
17 I carried her in her crumpled dress up the short flight of stairs , and laid her on her bed .
18 Sharpe took the loaded pistol from his belt , cocked it , and laid it beside him .
19 She had rolled up her coat and laid it on her suitcase .
20 Scathach dragged the stiff body back into the trees and laid it on its side .
21 Overwhelmed with compassion , Melissa put out a hand and laid it on his arm .
22 Impulsively now , she put her hand out and laid it on his , saying quietly , ‘ I 'm going to miss you all over again , Ben , that 's if I take this place . ’
23 They called it All-Heal and laid it upon their altars as an emblem of the advent of the Messiah .
24 Jean-Claude fetched a mattress from the pavillon and laid it in his working space .
25 Then they brought food in and laid it inside her shelter .
26 He lifted his hand and laid it against her cheek , his fingers cool and firm against her skin .
27 He rang her just before lunch and recommended us for their pets .
28 We will be working alongside the base staff , encouraging them and assisting them in their work with local churches , ministering to the homeless in Hyderabad and working among a gypsy group in the country .
29 Not even Dali , however , thought of designing a surrealist town and naming it after himself .
30 Ellie provoked and stimulated Mr O'Mara with her inquisitive and questioning mind , and entertained him with her ever truthful and utterly pragmatic approach , while the kindness , respect and affection that he had accorded Ellie had enabled her to grow quickly and painlessly from a gauche teenager into a poised young woman .
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