Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and whispered platitudes in code
2 The poignant melody made him think of soft feminine sighs , warm arms and whispered words of love in the dark of night .
3 Methods that detect the incorporation of a DNA precursor such as [ 3 H ] - thymidine labelling or immunocytochemical detection of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine ( BrdU ) are direct and confine measurements of DNA synthesis in active S phase proliferating cells .
4 It is one of the primary purposes of cultivation that we affect and change conditions in favour of the plants and to the detriment of their enemies .
5 The Soviet worker is free to choose his/her job and change jobs at will according to how they see their individual interests and inclinations .
6 In addition , although the deputy head was clearly exhausted by the enormity of the task he had set himself , he had found the experience sufficiently valuable to recommend that all teachers should extend their understanding of curriculum evaluation and develop skills in addition to the testing of pupil outcomes .
7 Uses a case study analysis and problem-solving approach to help students appreciate cultural and social problems , analyse communication breakdown and develop strategies for communication , with particular reference to the US workplace .
8 She has found that she can interest modern teenagers , and develop attitudes of stillness and attentiveness and reflectiveness , through detailed study of certain masterpieces .
9 Noting " the special situation of the Middle East as a primary area of tension " , the five also undertook to observe " rules of restraint " and develop modalities of consultation and exchange of information concerning arms transfers to the region .
10 It has to incorporate a wide range of factors and develop methods of investigation other than laboratory experiments .
11 The Toxoplasmosis Trust advises pregnant women who are n't immune to : avoid raw or undercooked meats and unpasteurised cheeses , not to empty cat litter trays , to wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly and to wear gloves for gardening .
12 Where once dockers and carmen had gone in for breakfast or a midday meal they now sat around drinking mugs of tea and eating slices of toast and dripping .
13 The chart provides the statutory requirements for in-service inspection and recommended inspections on safety , technical and financial grounds in addition to recommended periods for inspection and the relevant legislation at a glance .
14 The ability to design , execute and evaluate plans of patient/client care , based on appropriate models .
15 In May 1964 , Councillor T. J. McCabe compared Derry 's housing record unfavourably with that of Lisburn in County Antrim which had built 1,556 corporation and NIHT houses since World War 11 .
16 He was outstanding in charity and compassion , paying for the release of prisoners who were detained for debts and succouring families in time of need , but giving strict charge that they should not acknowledge the source of this help .
17 They were nurtured by Qaddafi 's rhetoric of individual autonomy ; they survived and became sources of inspiration in Libyans ' conflicts with their state .
18 Feminists and other progressives have always been uncomfortable with the whole notion of morality , viewing it as an essentially conservative concept that has been used to bolster traditional modes of thinking and undermine efforts for change .
19 Should the text be as described , I shall be unable to reconcile the Church 's utter opposition to the killing of the unborn child and euthanasia which are in essence a defence of human rights for those weakest and least-able-to-speak members of humankind .
20 Here today , here tomorrow : monitoring and forecasting trends in heroin use
21 The seller 's intention is to play off one buyer against another and introduce elements of haste and competitive bidding into negotiations in order to maximise the price .
22 They recall that as minister for agriculture in 1980 Mr MacSharry had stood alone among his EC colleagues in resisting efforts to impose a milk super-levy , restrict intervention and introduce quotas on sugar production .
23 There are several distinguishable types of foraging behaviour and food preference , varying from tracking and pursuit of prey animals by running them down through stealth and pouncing methods to omnivory or insect eating .
24 Possible methods of speeding up collection include increasing the numbers of bailiffs and contacting non-payers by telephone .
25 Possible methods of speeding up collection include increasing the numbers of bailiffs in the town and contacting non-payers by telephone .
26 To attempt to dragoon people to fulfil a role for which they are not equipped by God is to invite frustration and instil feelings of guilt as Christians become aware of their inadequacies and ineffectiveness in this area .
27 Many girls worked in minor clerical jobs and were encouraged to learn shorthand and typing skills at evening classes .
28 It requires great restraint not to smother children with good intentions , to endure those looks of disappointment , and to banish feelings of guilt when one puts oneself first .
29 So gilt traders actually s buy and sell gilts in order to make a profit .
30 September is a good time to see the lovely heathers on the moor and to see birds like meadow pipit and stonechat .
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