Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 Such a practice cuts at the foundation of Aristoteleian notions of male and female difference and constitutes in itself the act of revolt — though the challenge it issues is more veiled than the more overt social questions asked by Hunter or Kelly .
2 As the child 's mental processes become more complex , it becomes increasingly able to absorb and construct for itself the complexities of the external world .
3 The home provides a safe and secure place for children to ask their biggest questions about faith and to discover for themselves the love of God in Jesus Christ .
4 Thinking of the provocatively slow way she might later take off her shiny red boots , dark hair falling down over her placidly unconcerned face as she bent to remove them , thinking of the longer , slower flow of her otherwise quick young body as she discarded her clothing bit by bit and turned with a sudden smile of submission towards his already rumpled bed , he was also holding in to himself and caressing within himself the glass-cased ideal of a woman — a Princess — who could be worshipped without being touched by bonily clutching fingers , who could transform him without being stickied by any of his bodily fluids .
5 Because — no harm in saying it once again — this is the essence of the private-eye novel : that its hero actively goes out and grabs to himself the facts that he needs .
6 He would never dare openly to disobey Smallfry , but he had learned to listen for every shift in her voice-tone and read for himself the most subtle variation in her smile .
7 This fact meant that Danzigers had far more opportunity to mull over Nazi propaganda and assess for themselves the extent of the Polish , Communist and Jewish ‘ threats ’ .
8 Improvisation of any kind typifies Medau accompaniment — it encourages class members to feel and appreciate for themselves the many-sidedness of movement , and learn through aural perception rather than mere visual mimicry .
9 As he screamed and clutched at himself the wizard dragged open the door , sprang inside , slammed it behind him and threw his body against it , panting .
10 I went to Brighton and saw for myself the absence of most of the top players due to other events taking place .
11 As explained at our meeting , MAS 's involvement in due diligence tends to be limited to briefing the investigating accountants on the outcome of the key features review and reviewing with yourselves the due diligence findings , to consider how these may impact on price and your warranty and indemnity requirements .
12 Certainly the happiest and most confident period in Firdaus ' life is when she can pick and choose her customers and determine for herself the relationship she will have with them .
13 He had imposed heavy and illegal exactions upon the forest dwellers , prevented the men of the royal demesnes from having their customary rights of housebote and haybote , and taken for himself the dues for escapes of cattle and other animals in the forest , which rightly belonged to the king .
14 Jesus is therefore not simply the human instrument of God 's purposes , nor simply a man responding to divine grace : he is God come as man in order to work out and establish in himself the true destiny of man in friendship and communion with God .
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