Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The film is therefore built up in pieces , a process which makes particular demands of an actor — who is also vulnerable to technical problems with cameras , lighting and editing in a way which is quite removed from the stage actor 's experience .
2 It must therefore be acquired and taught in a way which gives it general significance .
3 Typically , tradition weighs heavily on us : curriculums are organised and taught in the way that we have always done it .
4 Do you ever stop and think about the way you breathe ?
5 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
6 Now that she saw Rupert again he was rather less interesting than she had remembered — a little older , slightly inhibited in his conversation , and unresponsive to her semi-flirtatious looks and remarks in a way that puzzled her .
7 the rise of the Country Dancing Clubs was maybe be to kind of try and compensate in a way for the dances themselves going down , ordinary dances , folk were wanting to do the Scottish dancing and things ?
8 The caterers arrived too early and got in the way of the woman who was doing the flowers .
9 Drained by his ranting and lulled by the way he could float in the starsuit , just touching the padded interior , he drifted into and out of sleep like a man wandering through the rooms of an empty house .
10 This in turn makes the parents feel unhappy about being a burden , and not being loved and respected in the way they had expected .
11 As part of the investigation into attitudes to mass electricity , the project explores the reception by the public of plans for a National Grid and looks at the way in which this programme was presented to those most likely to be environmentally and economically affected by its construction .
12 And stopped on the way of course in .
13 In order to sustain a more robust disagreement , individualist theorists must contend that human autonomy makes a substantial difference to the explanation of action , and stands in the way of the determinist account supposedly favoured by holists .
14 He traces the origins of contemporary attitudes to professionalism and public services , to the Victorian period , and argues that the model we have inherited is outmoded and stands in the way of improving professionally relationships .
15 ‘ He 'll be running back to his cow of a wife now and laughing about the way he conned the owner 's wife . ’
16 I was astonished , and a little dismayed , by the ease with which Dana entered into the spirit of things , giving Indian war-whoops and clowning and laughing in a way I thought was rather contemptible .
17 The Geste brothers are stereotypes and may be laughed at with impunity : but Charles Wogan , as A. E. W. Mason saw him in Clementina , and the ingenuous John Ridd , self-revealing narrator of Lorna Doone , exemplify the intricacies of love and honour in a way that transcends period and social niceties .
18 Short-skirted and heavily made-up , she smoked and drank and behaved in a way that outraged many of the older generation .
19 Some at least of the leading Romans felt and behaved in a way which seemed to him perfectly understandable and eminently sensible .
20 The New Testament teaches us that God is present and active in this world through his Holy Spirit , who is able to enter the hearts of individuals , giving new qualities of life and understanding in a way which we can not fully grasp , though we can experience it .
21 The precise meaning of this formulation is unclear — does it mean ‘ lose self-control and kill ’ , or ‘ lose self-control and kill in the way D did ’ — but it seems to derive from the notion that there are degrees of loss of self-control .
22 She saw a haunted house , a superstition she had perhaps used for her own account , and he saw something more human , a complex web of relationships , interlocking and interacting in a way he could not yet fathom , and in which people got caught up and destroyed .
23 Being unaware of the details within the North Devon health authority , and seeking in no way to make critical judgments myself , I obtained a copy of the minute of the health authority .
24 Future Neil Kinnocks — or David Blunketts or Michael Meachers or even Ken Livingstones — will find that their best strategy in their early years in national politics will be to act and speak in a way that appeals to ordinary television-watching , newspaper-reading Labour Party members , rather than to the left 's hyperactivists .
25 Additionally however , we need to make it clear that when we have looked at the figures and I would pay some to the opposition for bringing er some matters to our attention , erm and looking at the way in which very , very careful on the part of this council has led to a better reserve position than we would previously have expected .
26 His two thumbs rotated about one another as they always did when he was agitated and looking for a way to strike .
27 Cadillac 's UK importer was aware of Leland 's achievement , and looking for a way to prove the car 's craftsmanship .
28 The truth is that C is a convenient scapegoat for those upset by The Shamen 's commercial ambitions and looking for a way to convince themselves that , underneath it all , Colin 's still credible .
29 Because there is a way forward , it is about negotiation , it is about hunt the hunting community , it is about sharing ideas and looking for a way forward , going forward from here , well to turn a blind eye to what goes on and vote for that amendment is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany fifty years ago .
30 This dilemma was starkly perceived in June 1950 and answered in a way directly contrary to that anticipated so widely in the spring of 1948 .
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