Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Typically , tradition weighs heavily on us : curriculums are organised and taught in the way that we have always done it .
2 Do you ever stop and think about the way you breathe ?
3 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
4 The caterers arrived too early and got in the way of the woman who was doing the flowers .
5 Drained by his ranting and lulled by the way he could float in the starsuit , just touching the padded interior , he drifted into and out of sleep like a man wandering through the rooms of an empty house .
6 In my first ten years of headship over 100 families used the service which the school provided , often returning to share with the group the progress which had been made and to comment on the ways in which their children had responded to the advice they had been given .
7 This in turn makes the parents feel unhappy about being a burden , and not being loved and respected in the way they had expected .
8 And there are readers who have been deeply moved and impressed in the ways that we have described by books that can not be described as the best of anything .
9 As part of the investigation into attitudes to mass electricity , the project explores the reception by the public of plans for a National Grid and looks at the way in which this programme was presented to those most likely to be environmentally and economically affected by its construction .
10 And stopped on the way of course in .
11 In order to sustain a more robust disagreement , individualist theorists must contend that human autonomy makes a substantial difference to the explanation of action , and stands in the way of the determinist account supposedly favoured by holists .
12 He traces the origins of contemporary attitudes to professionalism and public services , to the Victorian period , and argues that the model we have inherited is outmoded and stands in the way of improving professionally relationships .
13 Mark and I agreed to have a game together soon and I moved off down the course , and mused on the ways in which the pro golfers cope in their different ways with the unusual demands of the pro-am .
14 ‘ He 'll be running back to his cow of a wife now and laughing about the way he conned the owner 's wife . ’
15 The precise meaning of this formulation is unclear — does it mean ‘ lose self-control and kill ’ , or ‘ lose self-control and kill in the way D did ’ — but it seems to derive from the notion that there are degrees of loss of self-control .
16 Additionally however , we need to make it clear that when we have looked at the figures and I would pay some to the opposition for bringing er some matters to our attention , erm and looking at the way in which very , very careful on the part of this council has led to a better reserve position than we would previously have expected .
17 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
18 turns round to you half way through the job and says by the way you must do this .
19 Sheltered by the land , we walked and explored the sandy coves and bays along the way , watching with fascination as the tide , with a truly frightening speed , engulfed the beautiful beach at Threecliff Bay .
20 As with the official curriculum , much has been researched and written on the ways teacher-pupil interaction can be different for boys than for girls , and a brief initial summary will suffice .
21 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
22 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
23 Tamed instincts may protect the individual from vulnerability to external aggression or from emotional abandonment by one to whom he or she is fully committed in an act of love ; but in the process they also render life experiences flat and stand in the way of necessary instinctual release .
24 The following review is selective and concentrates on the way unemployment benefit impacts on women .
25 He smiled and frowned in the way she loved .
26 Furthermore , many women teachers indicated that they had difficulty gaining promotion within the school ( see Burgess ? 1988a ) and talked about the ways in which they experienced sexism and oppression in their day to day work .
27 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
28 My father 's generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the profession he practised .
29 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
30 And look at the way the wish connects with the fear , in a kind of fascinated ambivalence , a horrified curiosity about experiencing , through literature , something we may unconsciously want but by which we are consciously appalled .
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