Example sentences of "and [verb] again at the " in BNC.

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1 The dawg will diverge from the node at the end of the head string , and converge again at the first node of the tail string .
2 He drew the sword out and prodded again at the wizard , who was rigid with terror and guilt .
3 I enter the day and date in my diary and look again at the entry of the 12th June .
4 I tilted the bottle against my finger and sniffed again at the clear residue , wondering what to do , then ( nothing ventured , nothing gained ) , rubbed my wet finger round my gums .
5 In the living room she sat by the fire and glanced again at the envelope .
6 They re-climbed the steps to the granite flags and there Karl turned and looked again at the statue , his face still sunken and sour .
7 McAllister finished the right front of the coatee , as Matey called it , cast off , and looked again at the half-grandfather clock with a sigh .
8 The Curator did not see the look in Mr Wolski 's eyes as he glanced back to the window and stared again at the wolves outside , who had turned to face the icy wind with narrowed yellow eyes .
9 Then , distant beyond the broad bowl full of skeleton walls , she saw the headlights of a car pass on the road to Silcaster , sweeping eerily across the filigree of stonework and grass , and vanishing again at the turn of the highway .
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