Example sentences of "and [verb] him [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rocky introduced them as Carl Wood , Jubal Cantrell and Austen Parker , but Jim Miller would have recognised the latter two as Jube and Red , the pair who had baited him and given him such a hard time before Rocky 's intervention had rescued him .
2 It was she who was the essential element in the alchemy which had absolved him and promised him such a refreshment of security and calm here .
3 He said , with great politeness , that he would be in the buttery , always supposing anyone wanted to know , and Tybion the Tusk got up and helped him open the door , just to be friendly .
4 It is when she feels compassion , rather than revulsion , for the salamander and kisses him that the spell breaks .
5 I might go and see him all the same , just to tell him as I 've told you . ’
6 So why not increase his artillery , and give him all the fire-missiles he can carry .
7 I 'll talk to Seddon — and then you can go and talk to him , and give him all the details he 'll need to make your crime look authentic .
8 She got a cardigan and walked him all the way out the lane .
9 The morning it was announced a vast audience arrived for Ramsey 's lecture and cheered him all the way up to the dais .
10 This syndicate of merchants would in effect become monopoly purchasers and exporters of wool ; in return they would lend the king £200,000 immediately and pay him half the proceeds from the sale of the wool .
11 Having passed from the Mediterranean to the Indus without attracting the attention of a single government official , Battuta , like so many subsequent travellers , crossed the Indian frontier only to find himself caught up in an impenetrable web of bureaucracy : no sooner had they set foot on the east bank of the Indus than intelligence officials ‘ wrote to Delhi informing the king of our arrival and giving him all the details concerning us . ’
12 She completely ignored her husband until he fell asleep in his chair , whereupon she woke him up and berated him all the way up the stairs , their shouting and swearing affecting the children not one iota .
13 A boy works for him and brings him all the food and things he needs .
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