Example sentences of "and [verb] into a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The loft space was then imitated by the galleries of the Seventies and Eighties , to be reproduced again by the new museums of the Nineties where they were perfected and neutralised into a well-lit , white shoebox .
2 Rowed by a team of friends she was soon alongside , aboard and tucking into a substantial breakfast .
3 They produce neutral mucin and develop into a new small gland .
4 Beneath it , she wore loose silky pants in the same colour , pleated and gathered into a deep , fitted waistband and tapering at her ankles , one of which sported a fine gold anklet .
5 It overshot the runway and plunged into a 12 foot ditch after flying the five from their engineering firm in Chigwell , Essex .
6 He had a full bomb load , but managed to level the plane long enough for his crew to bail out , then he managed to steer it away from the town and crash into a nearby field .
7 Some of that climber 's grey matter has been revived and placed into a robot-climbing machine .
8 Maggie glared at him but he bent again and locked the Porsche , pocketing the key and shrugging into a thick leather jacket .
9 While the majority of the unit are armed and equipped as normal , some of its troopers are armed with different weapons and formed into a separate unit called a detachment .
10 The object of the Institution is , to reform , and bring into a regular system , that important branch of medicine which regards the treatment of diseases incidental to horses and other cattle , and which has hitherto been neglected and much abused in this country …
11 A dapper stranger ( John Berger ) hoves into view and launches into a long , rather tedious yarn about two Italian peasants who meet at a Communist Party dance .
12 A mariachi band approaches and launches into a lively lament on what it is to be alone and without love .
13 and bulleted into a neighbouring galaxy , emerging
14 He was not precisely sure what a pleached walk was , but when he came upon it there was no mistaking it and , smiling to himself , he descended a flagged step and passed into a green tunnel .
15 It complements EE in many ways and builds into a living encyclopaedia of electronics which keeps up with the ever advancing world of technology through regular updates/supplements .
16 Edward left Windsor Castle and got into a large black car .
17 As I became professionally involved in trying to understand what , if anything , was happening I realised that here was a rare opportunity for the public to experience science in action , feel the excitement that drives inquisitive minds , and see how discoveries are made , tested , replicated , proven and developed into a new technology .
18 Renault feel comfortable with the hatched style that they started with the 16 and developed into a smooth aerodynamic shape with the 25 .
19 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
20 She edged tentatively into the lee of the house to hide in a deep shadow and bumped into a broken rainwater pipe which smacked on to the concrete patio .
21 When all the hot bitterness in him had cooled and congealed into a hard and reasoned purpose , and he had command of his face and his voice , he sent for his secretary , and dictated a letter to his council at Westminster .
22 A day-trip from Phuket had only whetted our appetite and we had left that tourist ghetto by local bus and moved into a hot and grubby Chinese hotel in Phang Nga town .
23 As his sword went back for his final sweep the sullen glow that had been growing in the doorway of the Broken Drum flickered , dimmed , and erupted into a roaring fireball that sent the walls billowing outward and carried the roof a hundred feet into the air before bursting through it , in a gout of red-hot tiles .
24 He imagined this woman draped on Humphrey Bogart 's arm and walking into a seedy bar .
25 Finally the head roared ‘ Time 's past ’ , whereupon it fell to the floor with a tremendous noise and shattered into a thousand pieces .
26 We climbed into the back , already full of people perched atop a deep pile of cargo , and squeezed into a rear corner , hoping there was no one else to come .
27 She crossed the road , dodging a limousine with a personalised number-plate , and squeezed into a long , thin pub called The Ship .
28 He kindly but firmly remonstrates with his wife : " Paying the debt " has a clear double meaning in the sexual/conjugal context which the wife , who is made to respond to her husband 's ignorance not by laughing at him but rather by underlining his innocence/ignorance in a play of irony for the tale 's readers/listeners to respond to as they think fit , picks up upon and develops into a crude pun : " " taille " " here is polysemous , reflecting two homonyms , taille , " tally , bill " , whereby line 416 reads : " I am your wife ; notch it up on my account "
29 brings the concepts farming and spelling into a related context .
30 Earlier Romantic interests in dream , haunting and death were revivified by Odilon Redon 's lithographs and drawings and transposed into a mawkish fascination with human decollation and disembodiment ( a prescient subject of much Surrealist interest later ) , witness perhaps of his desire to escape from the strictures of the body where only material limitation and disease existed — the concerns of eschatology , sexuality and mysticism certainly haunted Redon as they do so much Symbolist thought .
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