Example sentences of "and [verb] into [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that they are the molecules responsible for maintaining the harmonious , smooth running of the body 's many functions , stimulating the release of hormones when required , organizing healing and repair and bringing into play the complex workings of the immune system .
2 The consequent crisis was an imperial crisis loosening the fabric of the absolute monarchy and bringing into question the principles on which it was based from the Basque Provinces and Catalonia to New Granada and the River Plate .
3 Ann Cunnane , TSSIS information officer , said : ‘ We aim to clear up the confusion and bring into perspective the risk , while ensuring the public and medical communities are made aware of the importance of early detection . ’
4 This balance is more in keeping with the needs of young people and takes into account the low self-esteem of many of those in public care .
5 Pratt is specifically concerned with the ideological implications of landscape descriptions in novels and travel reports , and argues for the development of a stylistics that goes beyond purely aesthetic considerations , and takes into account the social , historical and ideological dimensions of texts .
6 More than that , it threatens the industry 's preferred method of assessing risk and calls into question the adequacy of the emergency measures that would be adopted after an accident .
7 The decision should save £40 million per year , and calls into question the future viability of the Sellafield reprocessing facility .
8 Also on March 25 parties of the so-called " pro-democracy " alliance ( New Aspirations Party , Palang Dharma , Ekkaparb and the Democrats ) held a joint press conference and called into question the credibility of Narong as Prime Minister , in the light of a recent US State Department allegation that he had been denied a visa in mid-1991 because of his suspected ties with drug trafficking .
9 The same is likely to be true for South Eastern secretarial/office staff , and throws into question the chances of success of campaigns to recruit them such as recently initiated by the major Transport and General Workers Union ( TGWU ) ( see Financial Times , 5 and 6/12/86 ) .
10 This may be an exaggerated view of the public 's overall reaction , but it is certainly not of a vocal minority : It is this pursuit of utopia which is at the heart of the reason why anyone concerned with buildings should understand and take into account the impact of planning control .
11 Numberless are the ministers who have come to grief at the height of their peroration as a child has let out a deep sigh , articulating the inner feelings of some and distracting into amusement the rest of the congregation who were listening .
12 The case created legal history and brought into question the whole attitude of the medical profession to the treatment and care of the newly born , severely handicapped .
13 In particular , Edwardian reformers believed that labour conditions for adolescents were influential on their social behaviour in both the short and the long run , or , put another way , and taking into account the wider implications of ‘ personality ’ , that labour conditions influenced the form of their social being .
14 And taking into account the prices of both the ME-6 and ME-10 they really are the best of both worlds .
15 Making an allowance for this , and taking into account the proportion of members ' savings actually loaned out , would put the effective cost of credit union loans at the time of this comparison at around 17.5 per cent : still as cheap as the very cheapest commercial alternative then , and much cheaper than most .
16 It gave them confidence to introduce these materials to children , but in the teacher 's own way and taking into account the particular environment , needs and potential of the children they knew best .
17 Just turning briefly to the issue of affordable housing , you 'll see from my H One submissions the City Council has a target , er which is in the the York area housing strategy , which is currently with the D O E for its consideration , of something like a hundred and fifty dwellings a year , giving over the fifteen year period a two thousand two hundred target , how we will go about achieving that is primarily , where it 's possible using land we already own , or is in ownership of housing associations , and taking into account the the seven dwellings outside the current city boundary , we believe in total they will contribute some fifteen hundred dwellings towards that two thousand two hundred target , this will leave clearly a significant shortfall , and it will therefore be necessary to seek to negotiate , if I can use the terms of P B G 3 erm with house builders as sites come forward in in the local during the local plan period .
18 The wording is very clear and in view of the dicta in the Vestey decision and the major shift in the approach to be adopted to that section — restricting the same to the settlor and his spouse and taking into account the provisions of TA 1988 , s740 — it is felt that the Revenue will have to concede this point unless they change the law ( in which case one would have to watch very carefully what was said in Parliament to see how the change is to have effect ! ) .
19 But certainly we er as I said , the essential point is that we are looking , looking at the capability across the board and taking into account the strategic requirement as we see it in terms of the direct threat to the U K in particular , which is obviously dramatically declined as a result of the collapse of the Warsaw pact .
20 One other significant point to emerge from this prosecution was the reluctance of art historians to support Beck and to call into question the techniques used to restore some of the world 's most priceless art treasures .
21 which would be capable of sweeping away the Kuomintang and putting into power the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party .
22 3 Staff : ‘ The Agencies are putting considerable efforts into seeming what skills are needed and putting into effect the appropriate development programmes to ensure that their existing staff can meet them …
23 The next step is to stop paying lip service to the theory and put into practice the long-held promise of meeting the needs and aspirations of users and carers .
24 Although you have to put up with the pain for a shorter time , you may not have any real build-up to it — suddenly , strong contractions hit you — so it 's difficult to pace yourself and put into practice the breathing exercises you rehearsed so carefully at antenatal classes .
25 Every new Northern Ireland Secretary takes office bearing the slender hopes of the British people that he will at last prove the man who can draw forth the sword from the stone , and translate into reality the ritual expressions of faith about restoring peace to the province .
26 The austerity measures designed to eliminate the islands ' large budget deficits and to take into account the reduction in earnings from the petroleum and financial sectors , were to be maintained .
27 A joint statement released after the first day of the summit stressed that both Germanys had to act responsibly , and take into account the concerns and interests of their neighbours and allies in East and West .
28 Out of this background of general knowledge about the AL of maintaining a safe environment , and about individualising nursing , it should then be possible to extract the issues which are relevant to one individual 's current circumstances ( whether in a health or an illness setting ) i.e. make an assessment of relevant issues according to the individual 's stage on the lifespan ; according to current level of dependence/independence ; and take into account the relevant physical , psychological , sociocultural , environmental and politicoeconomic factors .
29 consider and take into account the wishes expressed by the elderly person and assess that person 's needs ;
30 Once a forecast for the likely total available market has been prepared , company sales for the forecast period may then be calculated from either : * the expected market share , which should result from the various selling and marketing activities to be implemented during the period ; or * the target market share , which will be used to determine the level of activity of the sales and marketing function , and take into account the impact of competitors in the marketplace .
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