Example sentences of "and [verb] as an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is often helpful to create several small files ( 5-10 entries maximum ) with varying layouts and indexing as an aid to discussion at the design stage .
2 The Greiner administration , which had lost its tiny majority because of Metherell 's earlier decision to leave the Liberal Party and sit as an independent , then recovered its position when the Liberal candidate won the by-election in Metherell 's former seat .
3 Having missed the deadline to register as a Democratic candidate in the November elections , he resigned from the party on Aug. 13 and registered as an independent .
4 The neck joint is similar to Ibanez and Heartfield 's ‘ all access ’ variety which does away with the usual bulky metal plate and offers as an alternative four recessed bolts and a sloping , shaped heel , which really does feel good under the hand .
5 The sign or the symbol , however , can be ignored and treated as an end in itself .
6 ‘ Safety can never be pulled out and examined as an issue in isolation from the project .
7 Mr Tapie is by no means a doctrinaire socialist and sits as an independent in the National Assembly .
8 The measurements are approximate and given as an indication only at this stage , taken from the architects ' drawings , the sizes may vary slightly after construction .
9 Faced with the prospect of growing structural unemployment and reflecting an analysis that structural unemployment would be a growing feature of industrial society , the work-force at Lucas Aerospace proposed 150 socially useful products which they could design and manufacture as an alternative to facing degradation and suffering in the dole queue .
10 After three colourful years beginning as a nanny and ending as an officer manager/researcher for Newsday , a New York based newspaper , I returned to London with my Russian husband .
11 ‘ Far from being invalidated by the fact that , for instance , a perfect balance of power policy will scarcely be found in reality , it assumes that reality , being deficient in this respect , must be understood and evaluated as an approximation to an ideal system of balance of power .
12 If a person criticizes the criminal justice system and uses as an example the handling of his case , are his opinions to be considered opinions ‘ regarding such crime ’ ? ’
13 fresh leaves , will help heal skin blemishes and act as an astringent , for complexion , use in baths , an ingredient of Hungary water , to flavour toothpaste
14 Festivals held in his honour were attended by priests carrying reindeer pelts , and devotees of his cult would drink a beverage of the powdered ‘ velvet ’ from the tips of the antlers , said to produce visions and act as an aphrodisiac .
15 These changes had been occurring , at a varying pace , for most of the present century and affected individuals in a number of ways , As a result , people have looked to the radio to provide explanations , give advice and act as an arbiter of social morality .
16 He had an impeccable record of anti-Turkish activity , from the time he had enlisted in Major Mihaljević 's forces at the age of twenty , fighting with the hajduks after the Austrian desertion in 1791 , and serving as an officer in the Serbian militia which fought off Pazvantoglu 's attack in 1797 .
17 In addition , a statement may be a clear expression of legislative intention , and adopted as an expression of parliamentary intention , but nevertheless be based on an erroneous premise .
18 Nutrition experts argue over the various merits of ginseng , but its components point to its three main powers : slowing down the ageing process ; giving stamina and endurance , and acting as an aphrodisiac .
19 ‘ You are a beautiful lady , ’ Arthur announced , removing his thumb for the purpose , and added as an afterthought , ‘ not today a lion lady . ’
20 The Central Council for the Disabled is a coordinating national body that encourages the development of voluntary effort for the disabled , and the British Council for Rehabilitation of the Disabled conducts research into their needs and problems and acts as an information body .
21 Ruether does not think in terms of a God who is transcendent above history and acts as an agent in history ; and this we might say lets her off the hook as far as the theodicy question is concerned .
22 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
23 In general , however , we would stop at this point and accept as an explanation that he killed himself because he found his personal circumstances intolerable and sought to escape from them .
24 During these early talks , progress appeared to have been made on Unionist demands ( i ) that the British government should seriously consider the possibility of an alternative to the Anglo-Irish Agrement ; ( ii ) that the Anglo-Irish secretariat based near Belfast should be suspended before devolution talks began ; and ( iii ) that the normal summer gap between meetings of the Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference [ see below ] could be defined in advance and used as an opportunity to open formal negotiations .
25 A small but important part of Middlesbrough 's Vistorian heritage is to be saved and restored and used as an education centre .
26 When you 're presenting plans , stick to the point — two good reasons for doing something are better than ten because your last reason is probably the weakest , so can be attacked and used as an excuse for a refusal .
27 Finally , in the second half of the eighteenth-century the palazzo was returned to the city and used as an extension of the town hall .
28 However , it has become common practice to say that if the terms of the draft are approved , then the top copy should be retained and used as an engrossment for the purposes of signature .
29 It was a considerable while before I came to know more Tory politicians and acted as an adviser , not to the party , but to a great many Tories .
30 The outdoor proctor or tout sought business and acted as an agent for petition-drawers and proctors .
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