Example sentences of "and [verb] from [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore bide your time and refrain from all action , until I send you word that you may come with my warranty to the council table .
2 I apply the A A schedule of motoring costs , B one eight one , for an engine capacity of two thousand and one to three thousand C C , of three thousand two hundred and eighty eight pounds and eighty eight pence and subtract from that figure the corresponding figure for an engine capacity of one thousand and one to fourteen hundred C C , namely one thousand two hundred and fifty three pounds and thirteen pence for the vehicle I find that she would otherwise have run .
3 And subtract from that figure the corresponding figure for an engine capacity of one thousand and one to fourteen hundred C C , namely one thousand two hundred and fifty three pounds and thirteen pence for the vehicle I find she would otherwise have run .
4 They were several hundred yards apart and hidden from each other by a bend in the road , and they were both set well back and reached by private tracks which were better maintained than the road itself .
5 Then , it is said , Aenarion lay down beside his steed and passed from that age of the world .
6 At the same time I thought how few people , apart from Eliot , could have sat and telephoned from that desk : meanwhile , reflecting that it were more proper to appear to be contemplating the exterior than to be glancing at Eliot 's papers scattered in front of me .
7 Entry is normally open to all who can demonstrate a capacity to keep up with the courses and to benefit from such study , regardless of age or background .
8 The important feature of both initiatives was that people who normally work independently from each other and who shared a common vision and interest , were brought together also to share and benefit from each other 's expertise .
9 These so-called ‘ displacement activities ’ which often involve grooming the body for a short time , seem to occur particularly in states of conflict between , say , attacking and escaping from another individual .
10 How can you learn and grow from this illness ?
11 The Medical Research Council were helpful up to a point , but even Mellanby rapidly found Florey 's demands tiresome and support from that quarter dwindled .
12 If Susanna Jennens had encouraged her to read and write at Weston Hall , Leapor could not really expect the same sort of understanding and support from another employer .
13 As a student , one is fortunate to have a mind nurtured into a condition to be open to such experiences and benefit from such insight .
14 With the dominant class , it shares in the control of the existing social order and benefits from that order ( Portes 1985 ) .
15 ‘ Return To Sanity ’ gathers together all the odds and ends from that session and , in so doing , provides the full picture of a band who probably deserved better treatment .
16 In the UK we have disposed of a number of non-strategic assets for a total of £208 million , which will be received in 1993 , while in February this year we also disposed of our remaining businesses in Australia and withdrew from that country .
17 First ascertain what the learner already knows and teach from that point .
18 Help me to grow and progress from this point on in the way I understand , respond and conduct my relationships with others .
19 This is important because if you do get infected , you can be sure that there are no viruses resident in memory by turning the PC off and rebooting from this disk .
20 Er certainly the , the people who worked and flew from this field er gather distinction , honour and glory unto themselves for their er .
21 It bound the parties to observe neutrality in the event of war between one of them and a third state and to refrain from any kind of aggression against each other .
22 She wished she could take her son and Maisie 's children , and go from this place .
23 2 ½D means a 2D drawing in the x-y plane repeated and viewed from another angle or moved along the z axis .
24 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
25 The cells in the embryo are initially much less specialized and differ from each other in more subtle ways .
26 Then turning to Millie , whose expression almost broke her down and gave her the urge to take her by the hand and run from this place , only her good sense stopped her ; and bending down , she put her arms around the child and when she felt the tightness of the embrace and the pressure of the thin body against her belly , it was only with an effort she stopped the tears from flowing .
27 It means erm learning with each other and learning from each other because none of us knows it all !
28 Williamson was fined £350 , ordered to pay Mr Coulthard £120 compensation and excluded from all soccer grounds in this country for 12 months .
29 The couple had a daughter , Marjorie , who grew up deprived of contact with paternal relatives and excluded from any news of John and his work .
30 The advantage of the system , says the importer , is the way barrels can be stacked horizontally and emptied from that position .
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