Example sentences of "and [verb] by this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I hope you 'll pick out what 's got to come from the East Midlands National airport , can I remind you that a list of that has already been made and passed by this council when there was not a Conservative majority and that had on it about seventy traffic calming schemes bottlenecks 'll be done all over this county which in themselves save accidents and save lives .
2 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
3 These readers , the assumption might run , are at ease with the complexities of rhythm and vision , pattern and play , and united by this ease are free to discriminate more and more finally the detail of the smallest fragment or the structure or the entire work .
4 so I would go for the recommended and hope by this version of Windows it knows about Amstrads and will sort it out .
5 ‘ ( a ) in satisfaction of all costs charges and expenses properly incurred and payments properly made by the bank or the receiver and of the remuneration of the receiver ; ( b ) in or towards satisfaction of the moneys outstanding and secured by this deed .
6 That is accomplished by remembering , applying and living by this truth : at work , whatever our standing , we are servants of Christ before we are servants of any earthly master .
7 Now Joan , having a fondness for the prince , was both flattered and heartened by this disclosure .
8 This analysis was adopted and approved by this House and I do not intend to cast any doubt on it .
9 This agreement constituted and evidenced by this letter and your acceptance of it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and all disputes and claims arising hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts .
10 She had come to London after the war as a music student , and felt by this time she was neither Canadian or English .
11 Philip Holland , MP , observed : ‘ That nearly one-quarter of the executive quangos and nearly one-third of the very large number of advisory bodies , as defined by Pliatzky and inherited by this Government , are scheduled for abolition after only 2½ years is a quite remarkable achievement by any standards ’ ( Daily Telegraph , 11 March 1982 ) .
12 And judging by this shot of Ryan playing baseball near his California home , he 's really huge in the role .
13 According to government rhetoric , regeneration could be both represented and encouraged by this exercise — a form of pump-priming to stimulate organic and economic growth .
14 I give him and the whole House a full assurance that in the event of the introduction of executive detention , it would be carried out by Her Majesty 's Government in line with legislation passed by this House and retained by this Government on the statute book .
15 Coming here and sitting by this monument , re-reading these great essays , these testaments to all that is best in use , is just a way of delivering personally my letter of thanks .
16 Quite a number of iron and steel ships were driven under and lost by this attitude of mind .
17 FOURTEEN cricketers of considerable first-class experience formed MCC 's team to tour the Leeward Islands for three weeks at the end of February , captained by Nigel Briers and managed by this correspondent .
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