Example sentences of "and [verb] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For some , as indeed for T. E. Lawrence , this entailed not just the rejection of a repressive social order , but a disidentification from it requiring nothing less than the relinquishing of the self as hitherto constituted and inhabited by that order .
2 I hope you 'll pick out what 's got to come from the East Midlands National airport , can I remind you that a list of that has already been made and passed by this council when there was not a Conservative majority and that had on it about seventy traffic calming schemes bottlenecks 'll be done all over this county which in themselves save accidents and save lives .
3 Hanging near the Ardebil in the Victoria and Albert Museum is another magnificent 16th-century Persian carpet , known as the Chelsea carpet because it was found in an antique shop in Chelsea , and regarded by many scholars as the most beautiful carpet ever made .
4 A levels , then , though relied upon at present as a higher education aptitude test , and regarded by many schools and many parents as a test of the academic respectability of schools themselves , are not wholly satisfactory for either of these purposes .
5 On an individual level I have been supported and validated by many lesbians of Afro-Caribbean and Indian sub-continent descent .
6 ‘ Ernst Ludwig Kirchner : Paintings , Drawings and Prints ’ is a small survey selected from the museum 's own collection and supplemented by several loans from private sources .
7 How many had been beggared while the war between the royal cousins had swept across their fields or through their towns , while the barons who should have protected them looked only to their own gain , shifting loyalties so often that the ordinary common man found himself constantly besieged and attacked by both sides ?
8 The major Caledonian basic-ultrabasic intrusive complexes of north-east Scotland ( Wadsworth , 1982 ) have been investigated for copper , nickel , titanium and PGE by several mining companies and the BGS .
9 Composed of an allover arrangement of repeating vases and considered by many experts to be one of the most aesthetically accomplished of all Persian designs .
10 This gave rise to the growth of the movement for ‘ gifted children ’ , a movement resented and disliked by many schools .
11 As he stood on the steps before the heavy front door and dug in his pocket for his keys he could hear the ringing of a telephone , blanked and muffled by several layers of brick and plaster .
12 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
13 These readers , the assumption might run , are at ease with the complexities of rhythm and vision , pattern and play , and united by this ease are free to discriminate more and more finally the detail of the smallest fragment or the structure or the entire work .
14 The exact relation between these solutions has been established more recently by Chandrasekhar and Ferrari ( 1984 ) , and Chandrasekhar and Xanthopoulos ( 1985 a ) , and exploited by these authors and their colleagues .
15 so I would go for the recommended and hope by this version of Windows it knows about Amstrads and will sort it out .
16 Such pressures can be alleviated if gang sizes are kept small and either the gang members are assembled in groups of similar ability , or demarcation is identified , recognised and accepted by all gang members .
17 The extent to which British society has , until recently , found such institutions congenial derives largely from an unbroken and perhaps originally feudal tradition of social networks and obligations which were imposed on and accepted by all members of society , whatever their status .
18 The intellectual property contained in the paper is communicated to an audience , but its ownership is clearly attributed to the author , and accepted by that audience .
19 It is assumed by the survey , and accepted by most historians of the period that married women with children did not go out to work unless they had to .
20 Several girls had been badly beaten and threatened by these men and forced to return to return to the streets for fear of their lives . ’
21 ‘ ( a ) in satisfaction of all costs charges and expenses properly incurred and payments properly made by the bank or the receiver and of the remuneration of the receiver ; ( b ) in or towards satisfaction of the moneys outstanding and secured by this deed .
22 That is accomplished by remembering , applying and living by this truth : at work , whatever our standing , we are servants of Christ before we are servants of any earthly master .
23 The 200 companies and 369 local authority undertakings , together with the Central Electricity Board and the nearly 300 power stations owned and operated by these organisations , were to be transferred to a new public body , the British Electricity Authority .
24 It was given a prestigious launch at a conference arranged by the Bedford WEA branch and attended by many supporters including Messrs. Liddle ( Headmaster of Bedford Modern School and Chairman of Bedford 's WEA branch ) , Baines ( Director of Education for the LEA ) , Glazier ( County Librarian and a former part-time WEA tutor ) , Wash ( WEA District Chairman ) and , of course , Pateman as District Secretary .
25 Admired and revered or loathed and seen by some bigots as an enemy of society , Priestley was an intellectual champion of many causes .
26 All cheques shall be signed and countersigned by such persons as the Executive Committee shall determine .
27 Now Joan , having a fondness for the prince , was both flattered and heartened by this disclosure .
28 The British provide a stable government and a way of life recognised and admired by many foreigners .
29 Techniques for the integration of further levels of processing were discussed along with information needed by and produced by each level .
30 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
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