Example sentences of "and [verb] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a warm and friendly night , and the sea swished and whispered on the sand .
2 Nina came in soon after , flapping her arms like pterodactyl wings , and pounced on a girl he had never seen before .
3 We welcomed the shift towards a plan-led system and commented on a number of structure and local plans .
4 South West Surrey Community Health Council , a body responsible for monitoring standards of patient care , also recently confirmed their satisfaction with the service and commented on the professionalism .
5 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
6 ‘ There have been lots of promises and pats on the back but little else .
7 The first person goes round the outside and pats on the head those sitting saying ‘ duck ’ each time .
8 Every peice like this child 's teaset will need to be photographed and catalogued on a computer .
9 In the foothills of the Clocaenog forest , snugly folded within the pleats of thickly-wooded ground , the camp was invisible from all sides at any distance , covered on one flank by an upland bog , and guarded on the other by a line of outposts .
10 But in the context of the modern cultural mythology of the artist/model relationship , this statement simply begs further questions and plays on the frisson of sexuality activated by the exhibition .
11 After that , the days were marked by the offerings they took and laid on the stone , more cigarettes until their father began to suspect Mrs Turner who cleaned the house , fruit from the garden , a punnet of redcurrants which disappeared from the small basket .
12 Of the 17,000 demonstrators involved , 1,000 broke away from the agreed route of the march and gathered on the south side of Westminster Bridge , where they were prevented from crossing by a large group of officers .
13 The steward turned and spat on the ground .
14 After delivery , each workshop was evaluated by group discussion and individual questionnaires ; in addition , a number of experienced staff development personnel were asked to read and comment on the tutor 's materials .
15 Similarly teams of medical advisers were brought down to William Osborne to inspect and comment on the level and location of medical equipment so that as the boat was built the right equipment was installed in the right place .
16 After completing the AEC , participants were interviewed to provide them with an opportunity to reflect and comment on the course .
17 Draft plans are now available for those who would like to read and comment on the proposal .
18 However , it recommends that the auditor should have a duty to report direct to the regulator and should be required to examine and comment on the effectiveness of the internal controls the trustees have established .
19 For a few brief moments he reared and plunged on the bed , grunting like an animal , until his lust emptied itself into her .
20 Go and sit on a mountain . ’
21 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
22 I take a camera and sit on the edge of the water .
23 Jenna slept badly , waking with a throbbing pain in her head , and it took a great effort to swing both her feet from the bed and sit on the edge .
24 I ca n't remember where they go , but Peter tells me to bring them too , so I go and sit on the sofa next to him .
25 You switch on the kettle and sit on the stool .
26 Apart from anything else , his working day did not begin till seven or eight , so that he was often there during the day , and always ready to listen ; but there were times when his customers left early , at two or three in the morning , and then Maurice , somewhat exhilarated with whisky , would come over to Grace , magically retaining his balance on the gangplank , and sit on the gunwale , waiting .
27 in our house if one of you 's in the bathroom in the bath like if Russell 's in the bath I go and sit on the toilet and talk to him and the dog 's in there as well and you ca n't move .
28 I go and sit on the floor by the mattress and watch her .
29 I mean the rope and sit on the chair .
30 Why do n't you move this Zimmer and sit on the seat ?
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