Example sentences of "and [verb] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Our lawyers and judges will never turn off this mad process which , for them , is a fountain of dollars and a source of power : it is up to the Press to publicise civilised European libel procedures and insist that we get them too .
2 Paul Gross , a chemistry professor at Wake-Forest , recognised Pons ' ability and recommended that he go to graduate school .
3 The judge gave Vernage five life sentences and recommended that he serve at least 25 years .
4 He sent it to several publishers and recommended that I accept an offer from Norton , a fairly up-market American book firm .
5 The specialist diagnosed an ‘ inflamed pubic bone ’ and recommended that I wear an athletic support for sport .
6 I am employing the kind of argument that has been used to resist demands that God prove Himself by miraculous interventions of some form — demands that in Christian tradition Christ himself refused to satisfy when he turned down the Pharisees ' request for a ‘ sign ’ and asked that they have faith instead .
7 The executives agreed and asked that I act as the facilitator .
8 The GP visited again 10 days after his first call and asked that I continue to review the wound regularly and alter the dressings as necessary .
9 As an example , take someone who tries to give up smoking and thinks that they have lost the fight completely when they want their first cigarette .
10 The story begins at Limehouse Reach where Gaffer Hexam , pursuing his trade of recovering dead bodies from the river , finds the drowned man supposed to be young Harmon ; it is upstream near Henley that Bradley Headstone attacks and thinks that he has killed Eugene Wrayburn , his hated rival for the love of Lizzie Hexam .
11 ‘ Very well , Miss Adams , I 'll give you the benefit of the doubt and concede that you do n't know why my sister needs her husband 's support so badly . ’
12 With this Phil Barlow capitulates and agrees that he has no objection to this appointment provided it is merely a monitoring job where no direct links are made with parents .
13 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
14 We are already falling into the trap of describing an ideal world and suggesting that it exists .
15 During training , your instructor makes you practise and insists that you try to fly more accurately and efficiently all the time .
16 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
17 I would have expected Esquire to be a little more imaginative than to jump on the anti-Essex bandwagon and to realize that you do n't have to be brainless to live in Braintree .
18 While she phoned the switchboard and requested that they page the cardiographer , Michael Barrington the orthopaedic SR arrived and glanced at the shattered stubs of the young man 's femurs .
19 At the age of 18 , Antony heard the passage of scripture that was to change his life : " If thou wilt be perfect , go and sell that thou hast , and give it to the poor " ( Matt. 19 : 21 ) .
20 Other such terms , for example free , as in ‘ then we were free ’ , certainly had reference to the past , but carried direct contemporary reference : a man would say of another , ‘ he is a free man ’ , and mean that he took no orders from a superior ; and a man ( asked about his own occupation ) might say with some pride that he was a ‘ free Zuwayi ’ ( zuwayi hurr ) , and imply his condition was closer to the old days than that of most of those he saw around him .
21 It would , she felt , atone for the things she had said and mean that she did not have to talk to Julia about them .
22 The fire was so small and mean that it gave no warmth at all .
23 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
24 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
25 He had seen its lines in the spectrum , and realized that they did not correspond to any known substance .
26 He looked at the number plate and realized that he had found the sole piece of ostentation Miss Morgan had allowed herself ; she had been Angela Jane Morgan and the car was AJM 563 .
27 He asked himself , ‘ What is the direction upon which I have been depending ? ’ , and realized that he had been relying on a sense of what seemed ‘ natural ’ and ‘ right ’ to govern his actions .
28 Then he caught Epitot 's eye , and realized that he knew it too .
29 I th there was , there was one big point that I actually missed out as well that neither of you have picked up on and that was that Maggie actually said that they were having problems with John in school and I should 've come back and , and said well she di she actually said that she was having problems with John , full stop , and I should 've actually come back and , and clarified whether it was at school or not and hence led to the private education and I missed that one completely and realized that I 'd done it afterwards but none of you picked up on that one .
30 She was aware of Harry 's quickened breathing and realized that she had ‘ inflamed ’ him , just as the French girl had foretold .
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