Example sentences of "and [verb] it for a " in BNC.

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1 I stole the candle from its socket and sold it for a crust of bread and a stoup of water from an ale wife .
2 I can do is , Mary had a metal cow she milked it with a spanner , she took it to the market and sold it for a tanner .
3 She felt an overwhelming urge to lick her lips and fought it for a while till her treacherous tongue simply shot out — only to be retracted slowly , under Lucenzo 's predatory eyes .
4 We gave our permission that the women should gather up the dead and give them burial according to the fashion of this people — ‘ t is said they strip the flesh and griddle it for a delicacy beforetimes , but I for one do not give this credence .
5 The Scots word ‘ gillie ’ , referring to a stable-boy whose job it is to settle a pony and hold it for a child to ride , is derived from the fey and solitary ghillie dhu .
6 Think yourself into it and hold it for a while .
7 Put it in a box in your guitar case and save it for a rainy day .
8 Little mini and run it for a year , run the engine ru non stop for a year and it 's going to use quite a few gallons .
9 If we take our budget-fixing example and examine it for a moment , we realise that two separate things may be going on .
10 You may decide that this is not the sort of fish for a small tank and exchange it for a more suitable species .
11 Gollum was once a hobbit who came across the Ring by chance and keeps it for a long time .
12 Eventually we worked out where the line had been and followed it for a short way up to a demolished bridge .
13 In the end she had taken the brooch back to the shop and exchanged it for a plain silver cross on a chain .
14 The task of implementing this change of policy fell on Roger Brown , then editor in succession to Ralph Gee , who had been responsible for the printing of the paper for many years and edited it for a short period .
15 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
16 Under these circumstances , all you can do is try to re-align the board on the artwork and expose it for a further period , but you may well have to scrap that attempt and start again with a freshly-coated board .
17 Rebuild the Roman villa and use it for a hydro and health farm .
18 If you come across a taxi token , pick it up and use it for a free taxi ride to any part of the city .
19 Interestingly , many modern fish have kept their pocket single , and use it for a completely different purpose .
20 She held my hand steady to bring the cigarette to the flame and kept it for a few seconds longer than she had to .
21 All you do is add water and leave it for a month .
22 At this stage , it is a good idea to cover the picture with glass and leave it for a while .
23 So have a look through your book have a very quick glance at erm if you can just at an acid alkali one , at one side of an equation co try not to read it cover it up write it down and leave it for a few minutes till you 've forgotten if you did accidentally see what was on the other side till you 've forgotten it .
24 Place the stem of a stick of celery in some dyed water and leave it for a few hours .
25 And then when I get to school , I do , I have to pour all the water into the tank , and leave it for a couple of hours and at break time put the fish into the into the mix water
26 To find the response , the mirror allocation can be located at point 3 by striking a line from 2 through 1 and extending it for a distance equal to 21 ; i.e. 31 = 12 .
27 Yes , in Vienna , a lady , I will not say her name but assure you that any conversation I had with poor little Mrs Crump was most decidedly not on this subject and not about this lady — she has clearly clutched at a reference and taken it for a confidence — in Vienna , this lady of , I may admit it , royal connection , formed an attachment for me which was not reciprocated but proved most difficult to disengage .
28 Also a photo of all the officers of Walsall that I saw in a second hand shop and I went and bought it for a few pence .
29 In each case , the wizard must pick up the book and caress it for a minimum of 1 hour .
30 You can run clip-art through a drawing package and edit it for a more personal touch very quickly , and the printing quality is consistent , which is n't always the case with bitmaps .
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