Example sentences of "and [verb] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now Saint Marcus had to put all that lot together to make it look right and make it make sense , with hindsight , bringing all the important pieces together .
2 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
3 And there would seem to be an easy , gradual continuum between using the voice to make echoes and using it to mimic echoes .
4 The idea of recovering waste heat from air or water , and using it to heat buildings cheaply , is very attractive .
5 Other ideas include mixing straw with sewage to make compost , which is being tried out at sewage works near Oxford and using it to make paper , which it was widely used for until the 40s .
6 And has it got alcohol in it ?
7 Tell us on a postcard the Latin name of the domesticated Chinese silk moth and send it marked CL /Moth to the address on page 2 by 30 June .
8 Gardeners get round these problems by using alternative means of propagation , all of them known as vegetative methods because of they involve taking some living fragment of a plant and inducing it to develop roots , so producing a new plant identical to the patent or part from which it was taken .
9 Colin bought the cordite and used it to light fires with .
10 When he closed the account , he transferred this to another account and used it to pay chambers ' expenses .
11 The developmentalists grabbed it and used it to make distance between the materially rich and poor nations so that very soon ‘ Third World ’ universally connoted poverty , overpopulation , disease , disorder , illiteracy , violent social upheavals and every imaginable human horror .
12 He had taken a sheet of writing paper from the desk and used it to make notes during the meeting .
13 She chewed hers and found it contained cod liver oil .
14 The idea is that the mind , stimulated by key words or phrases in the text , or by the context , activates a knowledge schema , and uses it to make sense of the discourse .
15 The traditionalism of egalitarian feminist psychology gains it a hearing in the conventional discipline , and allows it to make changes within the established framework .
16 If the librarian can broaden his focus of user education and let it become information user education and not simply library user education , then there is the possibility for significant change .
17 The USA released US$54,000,000 in aid to Nicaragua on Dec. 3 to assist the country 's economic stabilization and to help it to normalize relations with international financial institu-tions .
18 In South Africa domestic workers are not covered by labour laws , but SADWU has drawn up a schedule of wages and benefits it believes employers should observe .
19 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
20 As it passes I turn and watch it enter Hadley Wood South tunnel .
21 We 'll be concentration on spot perms , taking one area of the head , and perming it to create body ’ .
22 She took out the electric beater and arranged it to beat cream , while Mrs Palichuk watched , fascinated .
23 It asked the Moldavian Supreme Soviet to review its August 1989 language law " in order to protect the interests of all nationalities " , and ordered it to adopt legislation ensuring equal rights for all citizens .
24 Thus , for example , it may make sense to have an integrated commuter rail service and inner-city subway , and to subsidize it to prevent people driving through congested streets ; but only a local government embracing both the suburbs and the inner city is likely to get close to the efficient policy .
25 Tony uses the Midge commuting to site each day and finds it gets waves from admirers .
26 Then , when my mother was so ill , he did try and sell it to get money for treatment for her .
27 But developing a large chemical industry needs capital , and to run it needs energy .
28 Hyundai Electronic America 's Axil Workstations Inc is bent on conquering the slippery slopes of Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc cloning , and last week announced the Axil-220 , a MicroSparc knock-off of the Sparc Classic undercutting Sun by pricing it at $3,600 in single quantities and letting it run Solaris 1.1 as well as 2. x .
29 They take some of the money they have cut from the training budget and use it to fund employment action .
30 The opportunity , rather , is this : apart from lean production and quality control , one of the big domestic advantages of the best Japanese manufacturers has been the way they garner information within their own firm and use it to take decisions .
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