Example sentences of "and [verb] in an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He meant that the deepest and profoundest truth , the truth that ultimately matters and is in the end really worth grasping , can not be of the sort that can be contemplated and appropriated in an attitude of serene detachment .
2 I 've known women to choose something highbrow to impress me — and sit in an agony of boredom all the way through .
3 He was handcuffed to another prisoner and placed in an army , armoured personnel carrier .
4 Isotropic bile samples were immediately transferred into small sterile brown glass tubes , flushed with nitrogen , sealed , and placed in an incubator at 37°C without shaking throughout the study period .
5 Larger peels can be sandwiched between two glass plates and placed in an episcope for projection .
6 The practising teacher or school librarian does not have time to go leisurely through pages of details which are poorly printed on A4 which are folded and tucked in an envelope with a disk .
7 Biopsy specimens were washed in saline , and homogenised in an ice cold buffer ( 25 mM TRIS HCl , pH 7.5 , 1 mM EDTA , 1 mM dithiothreitol ) using a Teflon glass homogeniser ( 10 strokes ) .
8 So , the economic , philosophical and biological criticism of Marxism all point in the same direction : that though ‘ muddled Mr Owen ’ was , of course , wrong in supposing that sweet reasonableness and an appeal to the best in human nature would , following the organisation into general unions of workers in productive industry , enable them to take control of it ; and further , by thus reconstituting society as an industrial democracy , remove its evils and usher in an era of plenty and universal happiness , he was not wrong because a clear-sighted Mr Marx 's alternative was right .
9 However , responses to Newbolt were to become the focus of the first major ideological rift within the class-based cultural movement , a rift which was to undermine the strategy proposed in the Report and usher in an era in which English would be constituted in much more limited cultural terms .
10 The women work and eat and sleep in an atmosphere thick with impalpable hairs and tainted with the sickly smell of the skins … the average daily earnings are 1/1d .
11 Users wanting to upgrade their VAX machines to Alpha simply take out their VAX board and slip in an Alpha one .
12 He escaped to France , but was captured after attempting another murder and confined in an asylum .
13 Soon after taking office Reagan won much popular sympathy when he was shot and wounded in an assassination attempt .
14 They had lit a torch which was flaring and smoking in an iron bracket .
15 An instrument for structural studies by using ion scattering and recoiling should be capable of varying the scattering ( θ ) , beam incident ( α ) , and crystal azimuthal ( δ ) angles — ie the angle between the primary ion beam direction and the crystallographic axes — ( see Fig. 1 ) ; generating a pulsed kiloelectronvolt ion beam of low fluence ; efficiently detecting ions and neutrals ; and operating in an ultrahigh vacuum ( 10 -10 Torr ) .
16 The end of the war meant the end of the blissful congruence between fantasy and reality , and Churchill turned to painting and writing in an effort to regain that happy state .
17 But now he was of an age and living in an era whose insecurities craved the reassurance of nursery images , the illusory solidity of Victorian values which , if they had never existed , could always be invented .
18 Place on a baking tray and bake in an oven at 425°F , 220°C or Gas mark 7 for approximately 1 hour .
19 We had the smallest model — IPF1 — to test , and used in an emergency for a 3′ tank .
20 In volume one he showed how Jesus was the bearer of the Spirit : he was conceived and born in an atmosphere where the Spirit had been poured out afresh , in the days of messianic salvation .
21 Once , at Milan airport , we were herded to the gate and corralled in an area almost big enough for half of us , then shifted to a bus with six seats and standing room for forty , in which the one hundred and twenty of us stood and waited for the idiot who always arrives twenty minutes late despite having been called ten times and being the subject of an Interpol missing persons search .
22 In this article , we have discussed the ways in which credit managers can , by providing key information , contribute to more effective decision-making and control in an area of critical importance to many firms .
23 However , students are expected to bring to a module and to use in an examination perspectives related to their particular fields of study .
24 The home attack held no fears for Mike Thomas who scored a fine 78 including 12 fours and shared in an opening partnership of 133 with Chris Minto ( 49 ) .
25 This particular kick , unlike most of the basic kicks , does not travel in a straight direction , but takes a sideways , half-circular movement , rising from the ground and continuing in an arc to the target area .
26 These children are often asserting their own independence and willpower in an effort to achieve control over the mother ( Chatoor and Egan 1983 ) .
27 The paper 's initial foray suffered from a certain paucity of research and culminated in an attack on the impeccably orthodox BBC disc-jockey David Jacobs whose prime status was wilting under the impact of the new pirate radio stations .
28 A demonstration of the PDR and Slickline Production Logging Tool [ SPLT ] excited delegates ' interest and resulted in an invitation to visit their operations in Siberia .
29 On the verge of being destroyed , they had been rescued and stored in an alcove at Pinewood Studios .
30 He had also pleaded guilty to charges of possession and trafficking in an attempt to receive a lesser sentence .
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