Example sentences of "and [verb] back [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ she whispered , then smiled when he went very still and drew back to stare at her .
3 He moved agitatedly across the room and then turned and came back to stand over Briant 's chair .
4 So madness , or certain radical forms of writing , such as that of Sade , Bataille , Blanchot or Roussel , by transgressing the limits of order and turning back to reflect upon it , enable a space from which a critique can be made .
5 I mean , it 's not like waving a banner at a demo on Sunday afternoon and going back to work on Monday .
6 After 1,908 days of terror Joe was looking forward to living a normal life and getting back to work as a senior administrator with the American University .
7 The scientists exchanged weary looks and glanced back to check on their comrade .
8 Mrs Joyce whistled in amazement and stepped back to look at Martha , her fists now buried in her wobbling hips .
9 An excited buzz went through the audience , they giggled conspiratorially and settled back to wait with an air of expectancy .
10 She got herself seated at a table for four , ordered a glass of pastis , the local drink , and settled back to wait for her friends .
11 I took a fresh notebook from the glove compartment and started back to talk to them .
12 Vanessa Atkinson , 20 , died in intensive care 10 hours after she had been treated and sent back to work after complaining of leg pains .
13 Turn over then and go back to sleep for an hour and thought oh I 've got ta get up now the dog 's whining to go out , then we get up then when the dog starts whining to go out .
14 When they get back to their own places they go to the middle and pick up a ‘ pearl ’ and go back to stand in their places .
15 When she finished selling the remaining tickets Sally looked around for them , realised what had happened and went back to sit on one of the hard upright chairs which lined the hall .
16 The marriage ended because of her husband 's drink problem so June came back to Mud 's house at Neptune with her two children and went back to work as a dance instructor , at Arthur Murray 's highly popular dance centre in New York .
17 Mary , a 26-year-old woman with two children aged 1 and 3 , had divorced her husband 6 months before her overdose and gone back to live with her parents .
18 The brown egg struck the wall behind Delaney 's head with a clang and whirled back to bounce on the top of the radio bench .
19 These perfumed transvestites draw away rival males and sneak back to mate with the females .
20 A couple of hours and aching arms later the copper and brass was gleaming and sitting back to bask in satisfaction a voice soon broke the momentary pleasure .
21 She folded her arms , and leaned back to rest against the work surface behind her .
22 ‘ I do n't believe this , ’ he said , holding her tight and leaning back to look at her .
23 As night fell Polly snipped her last snip , climbed down and stood back to look at her work .
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