Example sentences of "and [verb] down [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
2 Until it is universally accepted that nobody whatsoever has title to property other than that held under rules to be agreed and laid down by all humankind , as distinct from those alleged to have been the product of some ‘ god ’ or other , will the first step towards formulating those rules have been taken .
3 payments should be 100% of loss up to a certain limit , and tapered down in varying proportions thereafter .
4 Habermas describes this as domination ‘ from above ’ because the cultural tradition that legitimizes power is generated and passed down through those who exercise it .
5 Needing to think very deeply about her situation , however , Leith pushed thoughts of Sebastian from her and got down to serious thought .
6 As a result of nail sickness , the heavy Westmorland slates were regularly coming loose and crashing down with such force that they sliced through the lead gutters below .
7 YOU sound very dissatisfied and weighed down by all that is happening in your life .
8 Again , warm up for 20 to 25 minutes , do your repeats and warm down for 20 to 25 minutes .
9 Press the rice into the tin , cover it with foil and press down on all sides until it is compressed .
10 Implementation is for planning and installing hardware and software , producing documentation and training , a handover to new systems and winding down of old systems .
11 I braked too late at the second corner and changed down to third while turning the wheel , feeding it through my hands .
12 ‘ I usually only scrub the front tyre when I get into a turn too hot but this is how it goes : You 're in fourth gear and jetting down to this U-turn .
13 By keeping double taxation to a minimum and cracking down on phoney transfer pricing , these international arrangements have helped boost the efficient allocation of capital worldwide .
14 Suddenly the issue was resolved with terrible finality for them both , as the inner floors gave way and crashed down in flaming ruin .
15 Stop smoking and cut down on sugary snacks .
16 Shortly it reappears upon another set of metals , and bears down upon more trucks .
17 This seems an effort to fit a cult-statue into a building with a sacrificial pit ; and though it was in profile that one saw these statues as one came in or went out , if one looked up as one passed under the beam which hid them , one saw them again , carved in very low relief on its underside , standing frontal and looking down at one : altogether an astonishing conception .
18 By evening the weather was better , but we did n't fancy another night in Porto , so we unpacked our bikes and cycled down through cool pine forests into the town for a well-earned rest .
19 The whole mountain chain originated from this cleft as lava surged up and spilled down on both sides .
20 They were n't able to give him this so he took up a reciprocal heading and dropped down to 2,000 ‘ ft ‘ and eventually found Humberside — all the time trying to figure out what had gone wrong .
21 I turned away from the scars near Warrendale Knots and dropped down by Middle High Hill to Settle and lunch at the Naked Man where the nicest ladies you could ever wish to meet serve real Yorkshire food , and plenty of it .
22 Well the first thing is to make sure that the magistrates and the police use their licencing powers to crack down on illegal drinking , that is to say under age drinking , and to crack down on unruly pubs and the hours that discos are open and that 's beginning to happen .
23 Almost all aspects of life suffered under martial law which was used by consecutive governments to ban large public meetings and to crack down on any political groups and political parties working underground .
24 and written down in steady copperplate .
25 They played gallantly , leading right up to the final game , and going down on 836 .
26 We were living in a period of change and he wanted to avoid the danger of rejecting courses of action merely because they had been considered and turned down on some earlier occasion during his leadership .
27 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
28 The Scottish Mountaineering Club 's Munros book had warned of a false summit cairn , and if I had longed to see the view from Beinn Dorain , and look down on that road from which the young Gray had gazed upwards 25 years ago , I was going to be disappointed unless the mist lifted .
29 What happens if you actually try and get down to absolute zero or even pass the other side ?
30 The garden was and still is his paradise and his pride and joy , and whenever Charles has the time he will put on a pair of old trousers , find a spade and get down to some real manual labour .
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