Example sentences of "and [verb] she to [art] " in BNC.

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1 She whimpers as I twist a little harder and drag her to the cloakroom , to keep out of Merchant 's way .
2 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
3 Salt shook her shoulder and when that made no difference , dragged her to her feet and propelled her to the small book-lined room known as the study .
4 He gripped her wrist firmly and led her to a door .
5 Allen took her by the arm and led her to the nearest stone shelter .
6 He took her arm and led her to the dining room , where the gleaming long rectangular table had been impeccably set for two .
7 He took her hand and led her to the open-air dance-floor just as the band slipped into the first of their slow numbers .
8 He smiled at her , took her arm and led her to the window .
9 Alexander took her hand and led her to the door that led out on to the path that wound down towards the beach .
10 He dumped his kitbag and led her to an armchair , but she clung to him in a state of possessive disbelief which upset Charles even more than the deep depression he 'd been suffering from when he entered the flat .
11 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
12 He suddenly swung her into his arms , his tortured breathing the only sound in the darkened barn , and instead of carrying her down the stairs he turned and lowered her to the soft hay that was spread thickly on the floor behind them .
13 On the morning of 9 November , Sydney sighted Emden and pinned her to the shore of Keeling Island , one of the Cocos group , on which a German party had been landed to destroy essential cable and wireless installations connecting Australian , African and Indian telegraph systems .
14 The time that it takes to embalm her and send her to the Fields of Aarru . ’
15 I suspected that the lesion might by pyogenic granuloma and referred her to the dermatology outpatient clinic .
16 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
17 As they turned from the bank to approach the farm , round the edge of the Long Meadow , he took her hand , and drew her to a standstill .
18 Peter nodded and drew her to the rail of the river-walk to look over the side .
19 And slowly he took her hand and drew her to the window and there , pointing , said , ‘ Look at that !
20 Nottingham Crown Court 's been told that a taxi driver sexually assaulted a woman passenger after ignoring her instructions and driving her to a secluded area in Clumber Park .
21 His mockery , which he meant as love , frightened and cut her to the bone .
22 Ross had taken her home , gently helping her out of the taxi and escorting her to the front door .
23 In fact Francis booked the holiday and drove her to the airport .
24 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
25 He folded his arms across his chest , and subjected her to a heavy-lidded , far from flattering appraisal .
26 The jury at Oxford Crown Court found the married father of two guilty after hearing that he 'd tied the woman 's hands hands behind her back in the city 's New Road and subjected her to a terrifying ordeal , during which she 'd feared for her life .
27 A YOUTH of 15 who broke into a young mother 's house in the middle of the night and subjected her to a two-hour rape ordeal while her children slept was yesterday given a life sentence .
28 The rapist approached the 17-year-old waitress in a bus station at Holmfirth , West Yorks , and subjected her to an hour-long ordeal .
29 How you corrupted a young and lovely woman … and subjected her to the most shatteringly depraved treatment .
30 Jazzbeaux caught her behind the head with a steelheel , and dropped her to the ground .
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