Example sentences of "and [verb] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were automatically members of a minority which was loathed and persecuted by a substantial section of society .
2 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
3 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
4 The basis of that conception must be that citizenship begins at twenty-one ; that up to that age all boys and girls are wards of the State and are to be regarded as in a state of tutelage ; and that during these twenty-one years no effort must be spared to give each one according to his capacities , and limited by no other considerations , the fullest opportunity to develop every innate power .
5 The Public Order Act of 1936 was passed by Parliament to control political rallies and marches by the British Union of Fascists and the counter-demonstrations which such rallies provoked .
6 Tricks could be played , points made by drawing a drooping banner so that certain letters and words were obscured and altered by the folded fabric .
7 ( 3 ) In May 1983 B.M.T. to which the application signed by the first plaintiff and altered by the third defendant had been submitted , offered C.M.C. a loan of £185,500 on the security of the bakery .
8 The form must be completed ‘ without assistance ’ — which is a difficult task for many residents — and witnessed by an authorised health authority officer .
9 Antoine Bloye is not simply the story of the life of a father recounted and explained by a communist narrator for the edification of a son .
10 Again in Capital Marx set out to demonstrate that the workings of an entire economic system could be logically derived from and explained by a few materialist premises and the theory of class struggle .
11 The second section of the reader outlines some of the diverse phenomena that are often lumped together and explained by the single category of racism .
12 His treacherous relations with his friends and comrades are both confirmed and explained by the treacherous interpersonal relations that form the substance of his three major texts , Antoine Bloye Le Cheval de Troie and La Conspiration .
13 Make sure they know the most suitable clothes to wear , how to make the best of themselves while taking the opportunity to be seen and heard by a vast number of people .
14 His soldiers were very fierce and his lettuce garden was surrounded by a deep ditch and guarded by a thousand sentries day and night .
15 Often these people believed that each of the components of nature — the forest , the rivers , the sky — was occupied and guarded by a jealous god , and they behaved as if that were the case .
16 Our data is collected , validated and checked by a 120 strong team — using multiple sources to ensure reliability .
17 These 70,000 " special votes " were taken to the capital and checked by a special fraud commission before being included in the result .
18 The traditional geometric values of the model are handled and checked by the functional relationships and used in the pictorial constructions .
19 It was the wildest party Britain had seen , and the media had a field day with a revelling of nude and painted bodies , cavorting to fine music under a dense cloud of cannabis smoke and punctuated by the occasional screams of an acid drop gone wrong .
20 The artist has created a marvellous pattern out of the limbs of beasts and men superposed in parallel planes stepped back to the ground and punctuated by the frontal heads of the near oxen ; a sophisticated and brilliantly successful design .
21 The picture wall in his underground burrow seemed to absorb him ; it was a holo of the South Seas , forested hillsides plunging down to warm waters and punctuated by the vivid exclamation marks of birds .
22 One of the pellet samples contained several small ungulate bones , probably from the bush duiker , and these are shown here with evidence of digestion , the surfaces of the bone broken and corroded by the digestive action of the owl .
23 I 'd go to the SS Great Britain and sit by the breezy river , and I 'd compose my stupid self and compose my story so that I could tell lies confidently instead of giving myself away .
24 I remember , for example , being sent for just after I joined the Heavy Organic Chemicals division , and asked by the then chairman of the division , Tom Clarke , to take charge of a company mission to investigate the price of naphtha .
25 The occasional protests by staff through the years over pay and conditions had usually been dealt with quickly , abrasions salved and healed by the implicit belief that matters would eventually improve , if not tomorrow , then certainly by the day after — and that one was still having more fun than was to be had almost anywhere else anyway .
26 More formal was the Privy Seal office , where King or Council had their administrative orders drawn up in traditional and , if necessary , legal language , and authenticated by the older and more important Privy Seal .
27 The solebars were then attached to this assembly ( the solebars already having the axleguards fitted and riveted by a hydraulic riveting machine adjacent to this position ) .
28 Instead of lyric participation in common cultural activity , the French have been numbed , divided and tranquillised by the cultural politics of bread and circuses .
29 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
30 It was safe from air attack and shielded by the Karochooq mountain mass from satellite photography that would tell the story of the purpose for which this rock cave was fashioned .
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