Example sentences of "and [verb] with [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) In this paragraph ’ financial year ’ means the period beginning with the date on which the Funding Council is established and ending with the second 31st March following that date , and each successive period of twelve months .
2 British politics in the 1930s were often disillusioning for the labour movement , starting with the defection of the Labour Party 's leadership and the Party 's electoral eclipse , and ending with the Second World War , which destroyed the party 's hope of peace through disarmament and the League of Nations .
3 He looked round him , upon the desolation of the field between Bryn Glas and the river , littered and faintly heaving still with bodies and cast arms , and groaning with the last convulsions of struggle and pain .
4 The home season will have a top-level start with the South Pacific contest ( involving Auckland , Wellington , Canterbury , Fiji , New South Wales and Queensland ) and the CANZ contest ( Otago , Canada , North Harbour , North Auckland , Waikato ) in March and April , and finish with the first semi-finals and final of the National Championship .
5 Shoemaking begins and ends with a last , the three dimensional pattern of the inside shape of a shoe .
6 This distinction is absolutely vital because it uncovers and deals with the first major misconception of doubt — the idea that in doubting a believer is betraying faith and surrendering to unbelief .
7 If learning to read is regarded as a continual process of making more and more sense of written language , advancing with every reading experience and beginning with the first insight that print is meaningful , then it will be seen that there can never be anything specific for a child to be ready for … .
8 ( ALFRED , still in his queen 's costume , dies by poison : the PLAYER , with rapier , kills the " KING " and duels with a fourth TRAGEDIAN , inflicting and receiving a wound : the two remaining TRAGEDIANS , the two " SPIES " dressed in the same coats as ROS and GUIL , are stabbed , as before .
9 the secretary and as semi-executive now does not apply to this I would suggest that somebody , unconstitutionally , intervenes the Synod advocate and ignore this resolution and continue with the second Saturday of March and the second Saturday in April .
10 He enlisted as a private in the Welsh Regiment on 1 September 1914 , and served with the 11th battalion ( ‘ The Cardiff Pals ’ ) in France , where he was shell-shocked twice , and in Macedonia , where he caught malaria .
11 The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow .
12 If the two approaches are combined and intact embryos are stained with a reagent conjugated to one fluorochrome [ e.g. fluorescein isothiocyanate ( FITC ) ] , followed by disaggregation and staining with a second reagent conjugated to a different fluorochrome [ e.g. rhodamine ( TMRTC ) ] , the polar population ( prospective TE ) can be assigned to the external position , and the non-polar population ( prospective ICM ) can be assigned to the internal position ( 2,25 ) .
13 Feminism for women like me grew out of our dissatisfaction with our social lot and coincided with the first books that provided a context and a theoretical explanation for what we felt .
14 the date of its incorporation ) and ends on the last day of the reference period and that subsequent financial years begin with the day immediately following the end of the previous financial year and end with the last day of its next accounting reference period ‘ or on such other date not more than seven days before or after the end of that period as the directors may determine . ’
15 You start with one vowel , go on to another and end with the third .
16 Bridgeman was educated at Eton ( 1877–84 ) , becoming captain of Oppidans , and at Trinity College , Cambridge , entering with an open classical scholarship in 1884 and graduating with a second class ( division I ) in part i of classical tripos in 1887 .
17 Their son , Paul , recently started back there after completing a Whitworth Scholarship at Salford University and emerging with a first class honours degree in electronic and electrical engineering .
18 Loss of data was therefore small , and analyses with the last available assessment for each subject did not indicate that any bias had been introduced .
19 An evening of revelry included maypole and Morris dancing , archery , jousting , a demonstration by the English Civil War Re-enactment Society , and ended with a 20th century disco .
20 Failure to do this will obviously leave the child unprepared to understand and deal with the first time he or she is called ‘ nigger ’ , or some other racial slur .
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