Example sentences of "and [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He may overcome the illness altogether but , even if this is not the case , he will certainly be able to make the most of his life and develop that special peace of mind which comes to those who are aware that they are doing all that they can to control the direction of their evolvement .
2 Surely he had n't somehow read her mind and shared that foolish thought that stress and tiredness had put into her head ?
3 This study was carried out to determine the number of haemophilic patients seropositive for HIV antibodies and the mortality from HIV infection and to confirm that young children were not being exposed to the virus .
4 But fears that this could send the pound plummeting prompted Downing Street to issue a denial , and insist that next year 's spending target of £244.5bn would not be breached .
5 But fears that this could send the pound plummeting prompted Downing Street to issue a denial , and insist that next year 's spending target of £244.5bn would not be breached .
6 Clap your hands and insist that natural gas goes up in a puff of noxious air .
7 The committee , how ever , sensibly note the long list of exceptions to this rule and insist that pre-recorded videos should be added .
8 It laid great emphasis on value for money auditing and recommended that all health authorities establish value for money teams whose role would be to effect annual savings which could be used for improving services .
9 While accepting that officers must adapt to political reality — by , for example , being prepared when invited to attend party groups subject to certain safeguards — it rejected any move towards a ‘ spoils system ’ in local government , and recommended that principal officers should be prohibited from engaging in political activity , including standing for council office .
10 The widely read and influential book of the French politician and columnist , ServanSchreiber , translated as The Amer–can Challenge ( 1968 ) , summed up these fears ahout the loss of economic independence , and recommended that European industry and commerce should learn from the methods of the Americans and try to beat them at their own game .
11 The Elton Committee expressed particular concern about the impact on a school of bullying and racial harassment , and recommended that head teachers and staff be alert to signs of such behaviour , deal firmly with it , and ‘ take action based on clear rules which are backed by appropriate sanctions and systems to protect and support victims ’ .
12 Germany 's science council , the Wissenschftsrat , was called in to evaluate the work of the institutions and recommended that 6,700 staff be retained in newly created institutes ( in fact 7,200 are not employed ) .
13 In 1896 , as a 21 year old French medical student preparing a thesis for his MD degree , Ernest Augustin Clement Duchesne unmistakably demonstrated the antibacterial action of Penicillium ( see Scientific American , November 1978 ) and recommended that further research might lead to new developments that could prove directly applicable to prophylactic hygiene and therapy .
14 It welcomed the application in principle , declaring that there were no insurmountable obstacles to Swedish membership , and recommended that formal negotiations be opened early in 1993 .
15 In his opening address on Sept. 16 , the IAEA 's Director-General Hans Blix had called for more stringent measures to help detect illicit nuclear weapons programmes and recommended that national intelligence agencies share information with the IAEA on possible violations of nuclear non-proliferation accords .
16 They discussed the desirability of the congregation standing during praise at the English service and recommended that this attitude be adopted .
17 On that occasion he was awed and intrigued ; he hoped and expected that one day he too would share such a look with someone .
18 But this harsh action was condemned by Reagan who called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc , threatened to cut off all talks with Moscow and asked that Western aid be ended for an oil-gas pipeline which was being constructed from Soviet Siberia into Europe .
19 ‘ Provided always that every assignment or underlease or tenancy of any kind relating to the premises shall if required by the landlord contain a covenant by the assignee underlessee or tenant and the lessee or tenant as the case may be directly with the landlord to observe and perform the covenants and conditions in this lease contained and covenants directly with the landlord in the terms of sub-clauses ( A ) and ( B ) hereof and covenants that any sub-underleases whether mediate or immediate shall contain covenants with the landlord in the terms of such sub-clauses .
20 The authorities were disconcerted , however , when the broadcasts provoked an extraordinary wave of rumours , mostly concerned with town clocks , and suggesting that German spies were everywhere .
21 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
22 The duty of the auditor is to see that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements and to see that proper accounting practices have been observed in the compilation of the accounts .
23 And I mean if they 'd not looked in a paper in nineteen eighty seven eighty eight , and realized that fifteen percent of the fund had suddenly gone missing cos it had you know dropped they they 'd have still got income from their investments , and if they did n't need to cash it , then it would have been no problem at all .
24 It seems likely that in ways we can never measure , the preachings about the superiority of the life of the spirit may have been profoundly discouraging and alienating to mothers of very young children , who knew about the realities of their own lives and realized that these preachings were profoundly insensitive to those realities … .
25 The Supreme Soviet ordered the authorities in those republics to set up referendum organizing commissions without delay , and ruled that alternative referendums on independence being held in some of those republics [ see p. 38014 and below ] did not constitute a legitimate substitute for the all-union referendum .
26 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
27 Perhaps you would like to learn a new skill , rekindle an interest in a former hobby — or simply try and make that new girl at the office feel more at ease .
28 When you invade the penalty area and make that all-important shot you 'll wonder why you bothered — the goalkeepers are so irritatingly agile it 's almost impossible for either team to score !
29 The government called a session of the National Security Council ( NSC , comprising the four heads of the armed forces and police , the President , the President of the Senate , the President of the Supreme Court , and the Comptroller-General ) , which met on March 27 and agreed that each branch of the armed forces would make its own report public .
30 4.1.2 It is understood and agreed that all IEATP grant payments relating to the Project will be made to the Lead Organization as principal .
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