Example sentences of "and [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Pilkington was delighted and became such an enthusiast for air travel that he went on to make many more business trips by air , some of them as far afield as Australia .
2 The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable , neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility .
3 Some 400 million years ago , they found ways of surviving out of water and made such a success of life in their new surroundings that they ultimately gave rise to the most numerous and diverse group of all land animals , the insects .
4 MONDAY After the Miracle by William Gibson , which continues the wonderful Helen Keller story , was produced by the Horseshoe Theatre Company at the Central Studio , Basingstoke in 1990 and made such an impact that there were demands for a repeat .
5 She had thrown Luke to the ground , herself on top of him , and when the yelling and the thudding and the terrible , high-pitched howling of collective terror had been over , when the cavalry had charged through the crowd like a scythe through a cornfield and silence such a silence had fallen , she had opened her eyes and seen blood everywhere , in her hair and her hands , all over the stupefied , half-suffocated child .
6 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
7 In fact , a close reading of Dworkin 's theory indicates that there is no inconsistency in both advocating a right of conscientious war-tax diversion and denying such a right in the case of the welfare-tax protester .
8 Could I come down one weekend and build such a pond for her ?
9 Josephine Butler , who put so much emphasis on the importance of women 's domestic virtues , deplored the idea that reproduction alone should be ‘ the essential aim of [ women 's ] existence ’ , and considered such a position to be contrary to ‘ the unity of moral law ’ .
10 To install a computerised accounting system and employ someone with experience of setting up and operating such a system .
11 In spite of the difficulties of organizing and sustaining such an action in conditions of clandestinity , it continued for almost a week — an unprecedented event in the Franco regime .
12 ‘ Whereas the police , no doubt , would continue to draft in innumerable squads of men to trample the landscape and inspect the ground , and exude such an aura of busyness and continuous reorganisation that even the most cynical observer could not fail to be impressed . ’
13 I am always mindful of the fact that 1 may move too far and pass such a spot especially when I know from previous visits that there are good numbers of zander in the area .
14 Such holes can not be ‘ conserved ’ , and displaying such a site to the public would require considerable reconstruction .
15 How anyone can ridicule and trivialise such an attempt to make life more pleasant in Darlington is totally beyond me , particularly when the person primarily responsible is the Mayor and first citizen of the town .
16 And , as we have already seen , it is the Bible 's function to feed and foster such a relationship .
17 No answers are offered in any direct sense , rather an invitation to consider the issues in the context of particular schools or situations and to use such a consideration and further develop it as the remaining chapters of this book are read .
18 As a participant I can feel the difference between genuinely regretting something and signalling such a feeling .
19 Sir Robert Mark , Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis ( 1972 — 1977 ) , had always advocated the need for the police to have adequate notice of processions in public places and included such a suggestion in evidence to Lord Scarman at the time of the Red Lion Inquiry .
20 The very fact that I had only properly discovered a foundation of happiness when separated from the world should have shown me that the tendency of the world was to flood and destroy such a thing .
21 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
22 The organisers of Telethon say they do consult disabled people about the event and feel such an opinion is a minority one .
23 Huge cost factors would be involved in developing , organising , and running such an archive , and major managerial and curatorial problems would need to be overcome .
24 Annie felt worried for the young woman who was flaunting the rules and regulations and taking such a risk .
25 This comes inevitably to those who belong to the Kingdom precisely because it is ‘ not of this world ’ and presents such a challenge which arouses hostility .
26 Then , crouching down , I peered out through the pouring rain and saw such a sight as I will never forget .
27 One reason for its presence in the USA might be that the American higher education system is so heterogeneous , fulfilling such different functions and admitting such a diversity of students , that questions about the character of the learning experience arise naturally .
28 Er in fact it was put to me as as an option by Superintendent that this could be , if this could be done er at the time er if I recall one of the reasons erm that we were n't able to do it in such a way was that there are numerous exits to the block of flats and each exit would have had to be covered by at least two armed officers we only only had in the region of twenty five officers available to us at that time in the police who were authorised to be armed and to maintain such a surveillance , erm not only would be very costly in the terms of the number of officers .
29 Recent cases , where health authorities have overspent , have usually stemmed from a failure to properly install and operate such a system .
30 The singers give concerts of Victorian and Edwardian music and proved such a success that they were asked to return in 1989 , in 1990 and yet again this year !
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